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Real Estate Manager component PRO 2.1
\\r\\nOrdasoft released a new version of
Real Estate Manager PRO 2.1
for Joomla 1.6 & 1.7. On \\r\\n\\r\\n
Real Estate Manager PRO 2.1
you will not only save you time and money. One of main \\r\\n\\r\\nadvantages of
Real Estate Manager PRO 2.1
that it will raise your real estate agency to a \\r\\n\\r\\nnew level that promises success for your business. Even if you have not done this ever, \\r\\n\\r\\nyou can easily create their own personal real estate agency with
Real Estate Manager PRO
and sell, rent, rental house and apartments without any effort. With help of Real \\r\\n\\r\\nEstate Manager you can easily create a catalog of real estate with a good and thorough \\r\\n\\r\\nsearch, a simple and convenient interface that will help your customers quickly and \\r\\n\\r\\neasily find what they need and immediately contact you. In Real Estate Manager Software \\r\\n\\r\\nyou can make a catalog with an unlimited number of categories. Registered users can add \\r\\n\\r\\ntheir suggestions. In fields of search you can specify the address on Google maps and \\r\\n\\r\\nindicate what advantages are in vicinity of your property (schools, hospitals, shops, \\r\\n\\r\\nagencies, etc.). In
Real Estate Manager
you can easily upload photos to the principal and \\r\\n\\r\\nadditional with be able to set their size. You can download data on Real Estate with CSV \\r\\n\\r\\nand xml and every visitor will be able to leave a comment and evaluation.
Real Estate
Manager PRO 2.1
has support for many languages so of what it will be useful for many \\r\\n\\r\\ncountries. Ordasoft done everything possible to help you in your desire to create your \\r\\n\\r\\nreal estate agency. The new version of
Real Estate Manager PRO 2.1
, you can create a \\r\\n\\r\\ngallery of photos for each house, choose to view proposals in the form of a list of \\r\\n\\r\\ngalleries or even be able to choose the size of photos to view gallery. Just Added \\r\\n\\r\\nability to send a message to the email administrator for purchase.
Real Estate Manager
PRO 2.1
, you can edit details of renting or buying, added many new features of search can \\r\\n\\r\\neven choose to sort by price, and more.
Real Estate Manager PRO 2.1
from Ordasoft exactly \\r\\n\\r\\nwhat you need!\\r\\nReal Estate Manager of Ordasoft popular as that of giants of industry, business or just \\r\\n\\r\\npeople who wanted to do this business. You can easily create catalog real estate on your \\r\\n\\r\\nJoomla site and write all the details for sale, purchase, removal and search for housing. \\r\\n\\r\\nWith the help of Real Estate Manager you will also be able to create and manage their \\r\\n\\r\\nstore, renting apartments, houses, sites. \\r\\nReal Estate Manager supports Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Romanian, \\r\\n\\r\\nPersian (Farsi), Russian, Spanish, Swedish language, which you can download on site \\r\\n\\r\\nOrdasoft. \\r\\nMain features: \\r\\n- Users must fill in CAPTCHA for spam protection. \\r\\n- Introduction of data review and the proposal will remain on screen for an error \\r\\n\\r\\nentering CAPTCHA code (you can enter it again) \\r\\n- The interface hides the direct link to download document (only shows Joomla URL) \\r\\n- You can download the license agreement itself. \\r\\n- Import / export CSV files \\r\\n- Import / export XML files \\r\\n- Import / export MySQL tables \\r\\n- Maintaining rights to important operations. \\r\\n- Check expansion requirement in PHP installations \\r\\n- Multi-language support: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Persian \\r\\n\\r\\n(Farsi), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish. \\r\\n- Ability to assign different icons to select categories and subcategories \\r\\n- Allow the use of external plug-ins for description of real estate \\r\\n- Advanced Search \\r\\n- Support for multiple rentals at one point. \\r\\n- View history of renting \\r\\n- Do not show empty cells \\r\\n\\r\\n
Real Estate manager PRO 2.1
has many different models and plug-ins:\\r\\n\\r\\n-Real Estate Manager component PRO 2.1 – With this component you can create a Real Estate \\r\\n\\r\\ncatalog on your own Joomla based site for real estate and property management: sale \\r\\n\\r\\nproperty / real estate; buy property / real estate; search property / real estate; rent \\r\\n\\r\\nproperty / real estate.\\r\\n\\r\\n-Real Estate Top 10 module PRO 2.1 – Real Estate Manager Top10 module for
Real Estate
Manager Pro 2.1
show lists of 10 most popular items on Sites Real Estate.\\r\\n\\r\\n-Real Estate Location module PRO 2.1 – With this module you can add markers to your map \\r\\n\\r\\nreal estate, and still be able to see the category and select the number of real estate \\r\\n\\r\\nfrom
Real estate Manager PRO 2.1
.\\r\\n\\r\\n-Real Estate Search module 2.1 – Search Module for
Real estate Manager PRO 2.1
helps you \\r\\n\\r\\nfind real estate in different settings: Title, Address, Broker, Feature, Description, \\r\\n\\r\\nListing type, Area, Property ownership, Model, Style, Agent, Zoning, Category.\\r\\n\\r\\n-Real Estate New Property module 2.1 – New Real Estate module for Real estate Manager PRO \\r\\n\\r\\n2.1 which you can see that new real estate added to catalog.\\r\\n\\r\\n-Real Estate Top Property module 2.1 – Shows top-end real estate on screen, you can \\r\\n\\r\\nchoose the type and number of real estate.\\r\\n\\r\\n-Real Estate Manager Search Plugin 2.1 – you can search for real estate from Real Estate \\r\\n\\r\\nManager software component search through main site Joomla.\\r\\n\\r\\n-Real Estate link – in – Content Plugin 2.1 – with the help of this plugin, you can put a \\r\\n\\r\\nlink to real estate for free Real Estate Manager software to page content. Shows photos \\r\\n\\r\\nand name.\\r\\n\\r\\n-Xmap plugin for
Real Estate Manager 2.1
– plugin shows Real Estate items, and Real \\r\\n\\r\\nEstate Manager category in Xmap (a sitemap component from Vargas)\\r\\n-sh404SEF plugin for
Real Estate Manager 2.1
– this file extension for sh404SEF (sh404SEF \\r\\n\\r\\nnative plugin) allows you to generate a search engine for URLs for free Real Estate \\r\\n\\r\\nManager component. Automatically generating URLs compiling categories of real estate and \\r\\n\\r\\nreal estate title.\\r\\n
real estate
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