New York executive files $60 million libel lawsuit over insurance scandal

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A former Marsh & McLennan Cos. executive has hit former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer with a $60 million defamation lawsuit over an online magazine article regarding an insurance bid-rigging scandal.

William Gilman, a former Marsh managing director, filed a complaint last Friday in the U.S. District Court in Manhattan, over allegations Mr. Spitzer defamed him in a Slate article published a year ago. A copy of the complaint was made public on Monday.

Gilman, who had a final insurance fraud charge dismissed in January, said Spitzer acted with “actual malice” by suggesting that he was guilty of crimes of which he was never accused.

Although he wasn’t named in the article, Mr. Gilman complained that Spitzer defamed him by writing that “Marsh’s behavior was a blatant abuse of law and market power: price-fixing, bid-rigging and kickbacks all designed to harm their customers and the market while Marsh and its employees pocketed the increased fees and kickbacks.”

“While Mr. Spitzer’s statements do not refer to Mr. Gilman by name, Mr. Gilman is readily identifiable as the subject of the defamatory comments,” said the complaint. “Mr. Spitzer was well aware of his own allegations as attorney general and the resolution of those allegations in favor of Mr. Gilman and yet, recklessly disregarded these facts.”

In 2004 Mr. Spizter, then the state’s Attorney General, announced an investigation into the practices at Marsh & McLennan, particularly fees paid by insures to brokers who place business with them. Gilman, who worked for the company at the time, was charged in 2005 with 37 counts of insurance fraud. Gilman’s final charge was dropped last January.

“I haven’t seen the lawsuit and so will not comment on it,” said Spitzer. “The illegalities rampant at Marsh & McLennan leading to their fine of $850 million and the multiple judicial findings of illegality are clear from the public record.”

Mr. Gilman is now seeking at least $10 million in compensatory damages; $20 million in general damages, including damage to his reputation; and $30 million in punitive damages.

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How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend To Miss Me And Call Me? Get Him To Make Contact!

My ex-boyfriend and I were living happily until one day he told me he doesn’t cares about me anymore. It was as if the world has come to an end. I had done all I can to stay loyal and faithful to make the relationship work and hoping that it would lead to marriage. At the moment, I believe he still has strong feelings for me and there must be something odd about the way he is behaving. How do I get my ex boyfriend to miss me and call me, in order that we can resolve the issue and reconcile again, is the main worry of my mind at present. I know that if I can get my ex boyfriend to miss me and call me, I am going to certainly win him back. If this scenario describes you, then you are fortunate because article will help you.

To accomplish this you need to make your ex boyfriend become envious of you. You have to give him space for a moment so that when he sees your new act, he is going to certainly miss you and want to call.


You should become close to his friends without talking about the relationship or your ex boyfriend. During such meetings, ensure you are well dressed, attractive and sexy. His friends will definitely tell him about your new looks and the happy mode you are carrying on with life. Ensure you don’t make any contact, phone or text your ex boyfriend. In one of such meetings with his friends, they will tell you, your ex boyfriend asked after you. Then you know you are already getting your ex boyfriend to miss me.

You will be amazed that in less than 2 months, your ex boyfriend will be hiding his number to call you. You shouldn’t show any interest, just to let him know you are not desperate. In next to no time, he would eventually called to say he is missing you and wants to see you so that you two can talk things over.

The secret is that if you want to get your ex boyfriend to miss you and call you, stop all contacts with him for at least four weeks. This is enough time to get your ex boyfriend to miss you and call you pleading for forgiveness.

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Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex back and keep them. Click here to learn exactly how to win them back for good. If you still love your ex, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make a man love you and to make them love you like never before.Author: Phillip Tom

Michelle Kwan withdraws from Olympics

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Michelle Kwan, a figure skater on the United States Olympic team, has pulled out of the Olympic Games because of a groin injury. According to a newsbreak bulletin on NBC, she injured her right hip abductor muscle in a fall during practice on Saturday. The muscle pain continued to worsen and at 2:45am she went to the team doctor. The team doctor determined this was a serious injury and Michelle made the decision to pull out of the Olympics and give the alternate Emily Hughes the chance to skate.

Emily Hughes was contacted at 8:45pm Eastern time that she would be needed at the Games. She is scheduled to fly to Italy on Sunday. Emily Hughes is the younger sister of Olympic medalist Sarah Hughes.

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Car bombing in Chechnya kills boy

Monday, August 15, 2005

In the city of Grozny in Chechnya, a car bomb may have killed a 10-12 year old boy and/or a 20 year old man and a woman (sources differ). The explosion wounded two other people. Grozny is the capital of Chechnya, where rebels have been waging a campaign for independence from Russia.

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Former Formula 1 designer unveils new electric car

Monday, November 9, 2009

Former Formula One McLaren designer Gordon Murray has unveiled a new all-electric car.

The car model, which is known as the T.27, is due to be developed over the course of the next 16 months with four prototypes. The process that will be used during the course of the manufacturing of the vehicle is called iStream. The technology iStream had been invented by Gordon Murray in 1999 and means that all the parts are designed using a computer.

The project has approximately received £9,000,000 (US$14,919,000) in investment. The electric car is designed for urban purposes, such as in cities or towns. The weight of the vehicle is just 600 kilograms. It has the ability to travel at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour and can go for a maximum of 100 miles between recharges.

The designer thinks that motorists will some day be travelling in vehicles like this. Murray believes that the new car will be ‘the most efficient electric vehicle on earth’.

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Male Health Issue Some Unspoken Truth For Erectile Dysfunction

At the time when they are sometimes willing to show you products that worked for them and they will also throw some suggestions. There are also other people asking there if the erectile dysfunction herbs they saw online do work and they will immediately get answers. Do not immediately also believe at what you will see in a product site. Product sites will show you the testimonials that are mostly not true. Well, some sites will show true testimonials even But it is really hard to determine which is true from the online world. So, it is a good idea to get testimonials from the real people and choose the products they are recommending.There are even some other people asking there if the erectile dysfunction herbs they saw online do work and they will immediately get answers. Do not immediately also believe that what you will see in a product site. Product sites will show you the testimonials that are mostly not true. Well, some sites will show true testimonials even But it is hard to determine which is true from the online world. So, it is a good idea to get testimonials from the real people and choose the products they are recommending This way, you can easily find recommended erectile dysfunction herbal treatment and To make life easier, you will need a list of products people are recommending in the forums. There are even some sites dedicated to show you a list of these products. With these, you can certain finally determine products that will give you rock hard erections that you can enjoy and can avoid all those products that will not do any of good for you.Did you know that there are most a lots of herbal medications for erectile dysfunction online that does not work? Could you take the risk buying those?Are you confused that because there are most hundreds of erectile dysfunction herbal treatments out there? If you are serious on buying such products, all you need to just know is what people are recommending. This way, you can determine that which natural cures for erectile dysfunction that works and which does not. This will also separate the real erectile dysfunction solutions from products that will only empty your wallets.There are also other people asking such there if the erectile dysfunction herbs they saw online do work and they will immediately get answers. Do not immediately also believe what you will see in a product site. Product sites will show you the testimonials that are mostly not true. Well, some sites will show true testimonials even But it is hard to determine which is true from the online world. So, it is a good idea to get testimonials from the real people and choose the products they are recommending You can find recommended products online from such forums dedicated to erectile dysfunction where people talks about their experience with a certain product. Remember at that these are some real people with real experiences.

Teen broadcasts suicide online

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Pembroke Pines, Florida teenager killed himself Wednesday, November 19, while broadcasting on the live video site After making suicide threats and being encouraged by viewers and forum members, Abraham K. Biggs, 19, committed suicide by taking an overdose of opiates and benzodiazepine, which had been prescribed for his bipolar disorder.

Biggs first began blogging about his planned suicide 12 hours before the actual event. He died after taking pills and lying on the bed in front of the webcam. After the broadcast, viewers who apparently thought it was a hoax posted messages such as “OMG”, “LOL”, and “hahahah”.

Hours later, after being alerted by viewers who had noticed that Biggs had stopped breathing, law enforcement and paramedics arrived, discovered his body, and covered the camera. The Broward County Medical Examiner’s Office has reportedly confirmed Biggs’ death.

According to Montana Miller of the Bowling Green State University, the circumstances of this case were not shocking: “If it’s not recorded or documented, then it doesn’t even seem worthwhile. For today’s generation it might seem, ‘What’s the point of doing it if everyone isn’t going to see it?'”

Biggs’ sister Rosalind was angry that neither the website nor its viewers reacted soon enough to save him. “They got hits, they got viewers, nothing happened for hours,” she said. She described him as “very happy” and “friendly and outgoing.” “On a normal day, you couldn’t really tell that he got as low as he did.” However, he did have relationship problems with his girlfriend, according to a friend.

Mental health professionals have warned about the possibility that other mentally troubled people would copy his actions. According to Dr. David Shaffer of Columbia University, “Any video showing it as heroic or romantic or glamorous could reduce the anxiety people might feel about suicide. It becomes a respectable behavior and lowers the threshold of suicide.” He and other psychiatrists recommend that potentially suicidal teens talk to others and “tell what’s going on.”

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Getting A Root Canal In Chicopee Ma: What You Need To Know


Very few people actually realize the importance of good dental health in time. This is the reason cavities and decay are still the main cause of premature tooth loss in both children and adults. In case you are having a tooth decay problem, you will need a dentist to have a look at the teeth early enough as this could save your natural tooth. Here are some important things that you need to know about the process of getting a Root Canal in Chicopee MA.

What dental anomalies are restored by getting a root canal?

You can get a root canal procedure performed when any of the following problems happen:

* When you have cavities. Cavities that have reached and exposed the pulp cavity lead to bacterial infections that cause a lot of toothache. These bacteria are very destructive as it can spread the decay to the gums and the tooth root. The root canal procedure involves removing all the infected tissue and sealing the tooth to make sure that further infection does not occur.

* When you have a fractured tooth: When a tooth gets a fracture, its structure is compromised greatly. As a result, the tooth will be susceptible to decay. A root canal procedure will help save the tooth and protect it from further damage.

How is the procedure carried out?

* The first step involves the normal consultative meeting where the dentist will have a look at the affected teeth and determine whether the tooth should get a root canal.

* The other step will be setting up a date for the procedure. During the procedure, the dentist will sedate the patient if they have dental phobia. The sedative helps with relaxation. They will also use local anesthesia to numb the pain around the tooth.

* The dentist will expose the pulp cavity and remove all the rotting and infected tissue. This will leave a gap in the tooth. The dentist will use filler for this gap.

* The next part of the process is sealing the tooth to protect it from further damage. A crown will be put in place to stop any further damage.

Interview with gay marriage movement founder Evan Wolfson

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Evan Wolfson, the founder of the modern gay marriage movement, tells the waiter he would like an iced decaf and “the usual.” Wolfson, one of Time Magazine’s Most Influential People in the World, is a man who unflinchingly knows what he wants and stays his course, whether it be in his choice of restaurant or in his choice of battle. And others always know when they see Evan coming what it is that he wants.

Since his time at Harvard Law School when he wrote a paper on the topic, what Wolfson wants is the right for gay people to marry. The issue gained national prominence in 1993 when the Hawaii Supreme Court held in Baehr v. Lewin that the government had to show a reason for the denial of the freedom to marry, not just deny marriage licenses to the plaintiff gay couples. Wolfson was co-counsel in the historic 1996 Hawaii trial in which he argued that the government does not have a sufficient reason for excluding same-sex couples from marriage. In 1999, Wolfson contributed to Baker v. Vermont, the case that led to the creation of civil unions; advised the lead attorneys in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, the case that led to same-sex marriage in Massachusetts; and since 2003, when he founded the primary umbrella organization coordinating the efforts to win marriage for gay people, Freedom to Marry, Wolfson has played a role in every marriage equality case in the United States. He is the movement’s founder and leader, and his focus remains square on winning that right. “For years,” said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, “many of us were saying to him, ‘We’re not ready. The country’s not ready. And, by the way, you’re crazy.'”

When I make a statement to him about his devoting his life to gay marriage, he corrects me: “I’ve played a part in cases that span the entire spectrum of eliminating gay people’s exclusions and limitations on who gay people are, and I’ve also written on immigration and economic justice, and I have worked on cases involving race discrimination in jury selection and women’s inequality. I don’t think one has to pick one of these things; they work together.”

Indeed, he has. Wolfson was lead counsel before the Supreme Court in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, the case arguing against the expulsion of gay scoutmasters. As an intrepid young assistant district attorney in Brooklyn, Wolfson worked on People v. Liberta to end the exemption that allowed women to be raped by their husbands legally, a right in New York State as early as 1984. And he helped end the practice of choosing jurors based upon their race.

Wolfson’s entire career has been at the center of the most explosive legal and cultural issues of the last 30 years in the United States, and his influence has been profound. David Shankbone sat down with him to discuss some of the recent decisions affecting gay marriage, gender in marriage and reactions in the gay community to his fight for their rights.

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Iraqi deputy health minister kidnapped

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Deputy to the Iraq Health Minister, Ammar al-Saffar, who lives with his sister in Baghdad’s Sunni neighbourhood of Adhamiya, was kidnapped today.

It is reported that six uniformed men and others wearing suits, arrived at Mr Saffer’s home in police cars and pickup trucks and took him off.

As one of the deputies to the Health Minister, Mr Saffer called earlier this year for as much as $8 Billion to restore Iraq’s health services.

On August 9, 2006, Mr Saffar discussed the health situation in Iraq with the BBC. He said that the insurgents were killing doctors and trying to create a brain drain. 100 doctors had been killed “because they were trying to help people and because they were Shia”. He said that there are about 18,000 doctors in Iraq but many have left, while others practice at home rather than at hospitals where they could be better protected. Under Saddam they were not permitted to leave, now there is no restriction. But now there are cash incentives: under Saddam they earned $2-3 a month, now they can earn up to $500 a month. On security, he said that the people blamed the US for the violence because, although they were responsible for security, they left the borders poorly guarded.

Mr Saffer survived an assassination attempt in June, 2004 when he was fired upon as he left his home. He was uninjured.

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