5 Ways To Get The Best Loan Lending Rates In San Antonio

byAlma Abell

If a person has financial issues or is building credit, it can be hard to get good Loan Lending Rates in San Antonio. However, there are options available even to those with poor or no credit. Borrowers can visit the website or read on to find five ways to get a loan, regardless of credit history.

Tap Into Home Equity


The housing bust left thousands of homeowners upside down; that is, they owed more than the home was worth. However, if a homeowner has equity, he or she can get a low rate line of credit to spend as they wish. Tapping into home equity puts the property at risk if the debt isn’t repaid, but if a homeowner has a steady income and makes timely payments, it’s a good option.

Go to a Credit Union

A credit union is similar to a bank but is member-owned. Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations that offer members lower fees and better customer service. When seeking a loan through a credit union, compare loans from several to get the lowest possible rate.

Get a Loan from a Friend or Family Member

If a person can’t get low Loan Lending Rates in San Antonio, they should consider asking family members or friends for help. To avoid controversy, the borrower and the lender should draw up an agreement including interest rate, repayment terms, collateral and consequences for failure to repay.

Get a Co-Signer

If a person has no one who’s willing to lend them money, they should ask a relative or friend with good credit to co-sign on a loan. The borrower should remember, however, that the creditor will pursue the co-signer if they fail to repay the loan. Payment history will appear on both people’s credit reports, which can be damaging if the borrower doesn’t repay on time.

If none of these options work for a borrower, he or she should try to build a better credit score and qualify for a conventional loan. To start, borrowers should check their credit reports for free at annualcreditreport.com, and correct errors as soon as possible. By paying bills in a timely fashion and by getting low rates on loans and credit cards, a borrower can improve his or her credit score.

US Presidential candidates offer condolences to family of Benazir Bhutto

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The United States Presidential candidates offered condolences to Benazir Bhutto‘s family and to the country of Pakistan today. Multiple candidates offered up messages about this former foreign leader.

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Bhutto was killed in a suicide attack as she was leaving a political rally in the city of Rawalpindi. At least 20 people died in the attack, local reports say. The attack has been condemned internationally.

Slate columnist John Dickerson commented that “Moments after former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s death was announced, I was getting e-mails from campaign aides, political obsessives, and the campaigns themselves. The candidates are quick to express their sadness, of course, but everyone is moving so fast because they’re trying to muscle into the news cycle more than ever. There’s only a week to go before the Iowa caucuses, and this murder lands right in the middle of a key issue in both parties. The ability to react to unpredictable news in a crazy world is at the heart of both primary debates.”

Democratic Senator Joe Biden was first, holding a press conference at noon EST today, at the Des Moines Marriott hotel, solely to speak on the topic.

This is a terrible day. My heart goes out to Benazir Bhutto’s family, friends and followers.

Like her father before her, Benazir Bhutto worked her whole life – and gave her life – to help Pakistan become a democratic, secular and modern Muslim country. She was a woman of extraordinary courage who returned to Pakistan in the face of death threats and even after an assassination attempt the day of her return, she did not flinch. It was a privilege to know her these many years and to call her a friend.

I am convinced Ms. Bhutto would have won free and fair elections next week. The fact that she was by far Pakistan’s most popular leader underscores the fact that there is a vast, moderate majority in Pakistan that must have a clear voice in the system. Her assassination makes it all the more urgent that Pakistan return to a democratic path.

This fall, I twice urged President Musharraf to provide better security for Ms. Bhutto and other political leaders – I wrote him before her return and after the first assassination attempt in October. The failure to protect Ms. Bhutto raises a lot of hard questions for the government and security services that must be answered.

I know that Benazir’s followers will be tempted to lash out in anger and violence. I urge them to remain calm – and not play into the hands of the forces of destruction. I urge Pakistan’s leaders to open a fully accountable and transparent investigation. We must find out who was behind this and bring those responsible to justice. And the United States should offer any assistance necessary, including investigative teams, to get to the bottom of this horror.

The way to honor Benazir Bhutto is to uphold the values for which she gave her life: democracy, moderation and social justice. I join with the Pakistani people in mourning the loss of a dear friend.

U.S. Senator Sam Brownback, formerly the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee with responsibility for Southeast Asia, commented:

I offer my deepest condolences for the loss of Benazir Bhutto and to the families of those killed today. This is a terrible loss to her supporters, the people of Pakistan and for democracy. I hope and pray that that the people of Pakistan and President Musharraf can avoid further bloodshed and continue down the road to democracy. Pakistan has been a good friend to the United States in fighting fundamentalist terrorism, and I sincerely hope we can continue to work together. Pakistan needs to continue to work toward a peaceful, stable and democratic nation if they hope to maintain our strong friendship.

Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton commented from western Iowa:

Today the world once again is reminded of the dangers facing those who pursue democracy and free elections, in Pakistan and elsewhere in areas that are rife with conflict and violence and extremism and anti-democratic forces at work. I have known Benazir Bhutto for a dozen years and I knew her as a leader. I knew her as someone willing to take risks.

I hope that if there is any opportunity for the government and people of Pakistan to respond to this tragedy appropriately, it would be to move more steadfastly and determinately toward democracy. She has given her life for that hope, and I know that the people of our country stand in solidarity with those who believe as we do in the rights of people to be heard at the ballot box.

26-year-member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senator Chris Dodd commented:

“Today’s news from Pakistan is both shocking and saddening. As a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, I have had the opportunity to travel to Pakistan and come to know Former Prime Minister Bhutto very well over the years. I spoke to her personally several weeks ago and have stayed in close contact with her since. She was a respected leader who played an important part in moving Pakistan toward democracy.

As we recognize the loss of a leader today, we must also recognize the implication of today’s tragedy to the security of the region and to that of the United States.

At this critical time we must do everything in our power to help Pakistan continue the path toward democracy and full elections. Our first priority must be to ensure stability in this critical nuclear state.

The United States should also stand ready to provide assistance in investigating this heinous act. And as Pakistan perpetrators to justice, it should also demonstrate that it will not allow such violence to derail democracy and proceed with elections in a timely manner.

On his blog, former Arkansas Governor Republican Mike Huckabee commented:

I am deeply troubled by the news accounts this morning of Pakistani opposition leader and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s assassination in a suicide attack. This is devastating news for the people of Pakistan, and my prayers go out to them as we follow developments regarding this dire situation.

The terrible violence surrounding Pakistan’s upcoming election stands in stark contrast to the peaceful transition of power that we embrace in our country through our Constitution. On this sad day, we are reminded that while our democracy has flaws, it stands as a shining beacon of hope for nations and people around the world who seek peace and opportunity through self-government.

Benazir Bhutto’s assasination should also stand as a stark reminder for those who doubt the nature of our enemy.

I believe that we are currently engaged in a world war. Radical Islamic fascists have declared war on our country and our way of life. They have sworn to annihilate each of us who believe in a free society, all in the name of a perversion of religion and an impersonal god. We go to great extremes to save lives, they go to great extremes to take them. This war is not a conventional war, and these terrorists are not a conventional enemy. We must fight the war on terror with the intensity and single-mindedness that it deserves.

Democrat Dennis Kucinich commented:

This is a very dangerous moment for the world. Prime Minister Bhutto represented the forces of reform and the hope for an end to repression in a troubled region, and her death is a major loss to those efforts.

This terrible tragedy also underscores the need for the United States to adopt a new foreign policy toward the entire region because our current policy is all wrong. Our interference in the internal affairs of Pakistan has opened wide the doors of repression and violence. At this very moment, we should be working with leaders of the region to convene a meeting at the highest levels to begin a new effort towards stabilization and peace.

The United States must take a new direction in Pakistan and throughout the region. I met her several times, both in Washington and New York. She was deeply and genuinely dedicated to Pakistan. This is a tragic loss.

Republican John McCain commented:

The death of Benazir Bhutto underscores yet again the grave dangers we face in the world today and particularly in countries like Pakistan, where the forces of moderation are arrayed in a fierce battle against those who embrace violent Islamic extremism. Given Pakistan’s strategic location, the international terrorist groups that operate from its soil, and its nuclear arsenal, the future of that country has deep implications for the security of the United States and its allies. America must stand on the right side of this ongoing struggle.

Republican Mitt Romney commented moments after the attack:

This points out again the extraordinary reality of global violent radical jihadism. We don’t know who is responsible for this attack, but there is no question that the violence we see throughout the world is violence which is not limited to Iran—excuse me, Iraq—and Afghanistan but is more global in nature.
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One dead in Michigan school shooting

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

At least one person is seriously wounded and one dead after a 17 year-old male opened fire and shot his ex-girlfriend, Jessica Forsyth, 17, four times outside the Herbert Henry Dow High School located in Midland, Michigan before turning the gun on himself. The shooter was pronounced dead on the scene and according to Midland Police Chief, James St. Louis, the shooter died in the parking lot of the school while the girl is in a local hospital. She is said to be in stable but serious condition at Hurley Medical Center in Flint, Michigan.

Chief St. Louis says that the boy pulled out a gun and began to shoot the girl after the two had a conversation. He then shot himself. St. Louis also said that the mother of the girl, who had dropped her daughter off at school for the day, tried to stop the incident from happening by driving her car in between the girl and boy, but was not successful. The boy, whose name is not known, apparently had stored the gun inside his backpack.

According to Midland Deputy Chief, Bob Lane, the boy was not a student at the school and was not granted access into the school. Lane also stated that the boy then placed a phone call to Forsyth telling her to meet him outside the school just before 11:00 a.m. [EST].

The school hosts nearly 1,500 students. The school was in lockdown, but according to a statement on the school’s website, the lockdown was cancelled.

“This morning a shooting incident took place at Dow High outside the building near the cafeteria. A Code Red lock-down was issued, but has been lifted,” said the statement.

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The Walk In Clinic’s Benefits And Drawbacks

For most people, our healthcare needs leave us with a conundrum of how exactly to proceed. On the one hand we feel crummy and do not want to wait a week or more to see our general care provider. On the other hand, our symptoms can hardly be described as urgent and we do not want to be a burden to the hospital emergency room or to spend the money on the visit to the ER. In addition to the unnecessary urgency and increased cost, it can be a seriously time consuming trip to spend three or more hours waiting to see someone for your sore throat simply because more immediate care is needed for other people. That leaves us stuck needing medical care but not knowing exactly what the best course of action is to receive it. Fortunately, there is a new option for those patients who need care quickly. It is called a walk in clinic and it is becoming more and more common in many different places all over the country. They are in the local drug store, as storefronts in shopping malls and even in some grocery stores. The need for care from something like a walk in clinic is lead by society’s demands for affordable and convenient healthcare. People need a care provider who is convenient and accessible or else they do not go at all. Basically a walk in clinic is a place that is used to treat minor and common problems. Usually they are not staffed by doctors, but by a certified nurse practitioner who can assess a patient’s well being and prescribe medication if necessary. They treat things like minor infections of the sinus, respiratory tract or bladder. They can diagnose things like strep throat or sprained wrists and they can even deal with chronic conditions like eczema or gout. For some, these places offer a quick and affordable source for booster shots and vaccinations. While these clinics offer great sources for simple medical treatments, they are not a substitute for regular visits to physicians. Additionally, anyone who goes to visit one of these convenient spots should also follow up and inform their doctor of any treatment they have had prior or any medication they may have prescribed. While a walk in clinic may be great for minor ailments, they are not always the best choice for all issues. They do not offer much in the way of follow up care or treatment of chronic conditions. When you go to visit, chances are you will be seen by a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant and almost definitely not by a doctor. This means that sometimes lingering problems are missed and chronic ailments go undiagnosed. Also, because the staff is frequently rotated, it is not likely a person will be recognized or speak with someone who had previously treated them. This puts the satisfaction rating for most people very low and makes it particularly hard for some to feel comfortable divulging personal information to a total stranger every time they come in.

Greek debt deal reached

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A meeting in Brussels has produced a plan, supported by all 16 countries in the eurozone, to make available up to 22 billion euros in financing to support Greece, which is laden with debt.

The deal would come into force only if Greece was unable to borrow money from commercial lenders, and would require approval from all 16 eurozone countries. While no figures were included in the agreement, anonymous officials said the total package would be around 22 billion euros, of which European countries would provide two-thirds. The remainder would be supplied by the International Monetary Fund.

Germany and France were the architects of the document, which was subsequently approved by the other members of the eurozone. While it is seen as a partial retreat for countries such as France that previously opposed any IMF participation in the loans, it is nevertheless regarded as a breakthrough in negotiations. Germany had been insistent on relatively strong terms for the plan, a large amount of which was in the final version.

Despite the agreement, there are no plans for it to take immediate effect, as the Greek government has not requested financial aid, and officials said that they hoped the option would never have to be used. The president of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, said that “the mechanism decided today will not normally need to be activated.”

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FOX News previews Grafton Street restaurant and “voice collector” in Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Sunday, May 1, 2005

The FOX Morning News broadcast from Harvard Square this morning in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Anchors Liz Carrigan and Gene Lavanchy profiled a restaurant and a musician who will take part in the 22nd annual Mayfair, which starts on Sunday, May 1. The restaurant, Grafton Street, is on Massachusetts Avenue.

The Mayfair is a festival that takes place in Harvard Square on an annual basis. On Sunday, the Square will be closed from noon until 6 pm to vehicular traffic; according to the Mayfair website, “200 artists and merchants” will participate in the event this year.

The musician, Halsey Burgund, works for a computer security firm, but plays the drums and piano in his spare time. This morning, he had set up his portable recording booth to demonstrate the means by which he records passersby for voice samples in his music. Burgund will have his booth set up on Sunday and hopes to record festival visitors. Eventually, Burgund hopes to release his music under a Creative Commons license. Burgund noted that he previously tried recording people on the street with just a microphone, but he found that there was too much ambient noise for the quality of recording he desired.

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Indian Human Resources minister to reform technology sector

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kapil Sibal, India’s Minister of Human Resource Development (HRD) held a meeting Monday to present his reform plans for the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) sector by increasing the entrance percentage to 80% and above in the class XII (final year) board exams. A three-member committee was set up to review the proposal.

Sibal said, “The present criteria is that students need to secure 60% in class XII for appearing in IIT-JEE. This is not acceptable”, pointing out that the current criteria where students getting more than 60% in the board exam of the twelfth class are eligible for IIT-JEE is not good enough and that it has to be raised to 80-85%.

He also stated that students undervalue final year board exams, preparing instead for the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE); they enrol in coaching institutes and concentrate on their study material in order to enter IIT. He wants to abolish these “teaching shops.”

The meeting decided that they would set up two committees, one headed by Anil Kakodkar, Atomic Energy Commission (Chairman) and other by T. Ramasamy, Department of Science and Technology (Secretary). The first committee is scheduled to decide final year board percentage and the second one is scheduled to set the curriculum.

The Kakodkar committee also plans to decide how to abolish coaching institutes and how to move IIT field forward with a greater emphasis on research. The committee is expected to submit its report in the next six months. The minister also clarified that some of these will be implemented from the 2010 academic year and some from 2011.

The meeting was also expected to reduce the fee for African and South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries as their fees are higher than those of Indians. The review committee says that people of other countries are tempted to study in India but they refrain due to high fees. The Ramasamy committee is expected to submit its report in the next three months.

Lastly, the meeting said that it will appoint board members and directors on the basis of nominations and independent rank and power to ensure IIT’s activity.

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Wedding Reception 101: Creating The Ideal Seating Plan

Wedding Reception 101: Creating the Ideal Seating Plan


Anne White

Much consideration is needed in choosing the right location for your wedding reception venue. However, less talk is given on the seating arrangement itself or if you should bother to have one in the first place. While the spotlight is on you on your wedding reception, you also have to keep in mind that your guests would feel comfortable. After all, you would want to share this joyous moment to guests who are not busy finding their place in the reception.

Do you need a seating chart?

Unless you are planning an intimate wedding where only your closest relatives and friends are invited, then a seating chart is an exaggeration. However, if you are holding a more elaborate wedding with over 50 guests, then the reception would be much more manageable to assign your guests to specific tables.

The basics in seating arrangement

Since the dawn of civilisation, the bridal table has always been in the front of the reception hall facing the guests. You and your hubby sit at the centre while the best man sits beside you and the maid of honour sits besides your groom. You will just then have to continue to alternate the bridesmaids and the groomsmen.


Both the bride and the grooms parents seat nearest to the bridal table, including the clergyman and other close relatives. Tables are usually seated alternating males and females. Couples should seat across each other in a long table or beside one another in a circular one.

Should you feel that there is a better way to have all your guests seated more comfortably in your reception, by all means do so. After all these are just traditions and not rules that must be followed.

Although you can freely decide about how you want your seating arrangements would be, you might want to avoid these common seating mistakes to avoid unnecessary commotions and problems in your reception:

  • If you cannot sit all your parents in one table, then do not by any means select who will sit with you. Ask the waiter to add another table to accommodate all your parents including stepparents.
  • Do not assign a person on a table where he may be left out of the conversations because he does not know a single soul there.
  • Do not try to play match maker with your single guests

Making sure that all your guests are comfortable on your wedding reception is a top priority. So be sure to draft a seating plan to ensure a successful and enjoyable day.

Should you need more help on planning for your wedding or if you still have to find the right venue for your wedding ceremony or reception, visit

Wedding Venues in Adelaide Hills

I am

Anne White

, a college professor and I am very detailed oriented that is why when my daughter got married I personally chose the wedding venue because I want everything to be perfect.

Article Source:


Two New Zealand men ran illegal text lottery

Friday, August 18, 2006

Two New Zealand men, Richard Stuart Hayes and Troy Jonathon Elliot, have been convicted of running an illegal mobile text based competition after 27 winners did not receive the car prizes. The pair were found guilty yesterday in a decision reached by Judge Nicola Mathers in Auckland District Court, following a February hearing.

The two convicts, whose names were suppressed until yesterday, are the directors of the company which ran the ‘TxtDrive’ competition in March 2004, the Watch and Win Company. The company had hoped to gain a profit of NZ$2.5 million, but due to lack of interest and entrants they could not afford to honour the daily prizes as they had only raised $414,595.

“I am satisfied that the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) has proved to me beyond reasonable doubt that Mr Hayes and Mr Elliot organised an illegal lottery. I consider they deliberately entered into the scheme and were careless as to the legality of this novel scheme.” Judge Mathers said.

During the 27-day competition, cellphone users had to send a $0.99 text message during television adverts on TV 2 for the opportunity to win a Peugeot car a day or free products from Pizza Hut.

Settlements have been reached with the winners; only one received a car.

Hayes and Elliot argued that it was not a lottery but a sales promotion, which means it didn’t need to be licensed by the DIA.

Mark Woolford, DIA lawyer, said “Internal Affairs had to prove that the Hayes and Elliot organised the competition, that it was a lottery under the definition of the Gaming and Lotteries Act 1977, and that it was not authorised as a lottery by Internal Affairs.”

A sales promotion is defined as “Any competition promoted by a manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler or retailer for the purpose of promoting the sale of goods or services.” Judge Mathers said she was satisfied the TxtDrive competition was an illegal lottery.

The two men are to appear back in court on 6 October, they face either a fine of $4,000 or three months in prison under the maximum penalties.

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New Zealand suicide rate decreases

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

A new report released by the New Zealand Ministry of Health titled “Suicide Trends” shows that the suicide rate in New Zealand has decreased 15% since its peak in the late 1990’s, but the attempted suicide rate is increasing.

There were 12 deaths per 100,000 people between 1983-’85. 16.7 deaths per 100,000 people between 1996-’98. And 14.2 deaths per 100,000 people between 2001-’03. But there were 73.1 attempted suicides per 100,000 people between 1995-’97 compared to 82.5 in 2002-’04.

Jim Anderton, Associate Health Minister, said “It provides some comfort to see the long-term trend still appears to be heading in the right direction, with a continued decline or levelling off of self-inflicted deaths but there is no room for complacency.”

The suicide report also shows that:

  • The 25- to 34-year-old age group has the highest suicide rate
  • Between 2000-’03 Maori has the highest suicide rate
  • Men were less likely than woman to go to hospital for attempted suicide because more men died from suicide.

The New Zealand Government has put NZ$10.3 million towards direct suicide prevention. New Zealand News agencies are banned by law from reporting suicide deaths.

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