Advice From The Pueblo Dentist: You Don T Have To Brush All Your Teeth

Advice From the Pueblo Dentist: You Don t Have to Brush ALL Your Teeth


Michele Johnson2

Just the ones you want to keep! We have all been instructed by our parents, guardians or Pueblo dentist to brush and floss our teeth twice a day. Look after your teeth is a phrase that all of us should be familiar with and the consequences of poor oral hygiene, even more so. Yet, in spite of our awareness of the importance of good oral health, there is this air of invulnerability that keeps so many people from taking the advice of the Pueblo dentist seriously. So now there is a new phrase to memorize and teach your children:

You don t have to brush all your teeth; just the ones you want to keep!

Ask the Pueblo Dentist: The Hazards of a Dirty Mouth

Keeping your teeth and gums clean requires regular (and thorough) brushing, flossing and check-ups with the


Pueblo dentist

. If it s been more than a year since your last appointment or teeth cleaning, then it s time to make that phone call! Why? No matter how neurotic we are about keeping our teeth clean (and very few patients are), plaque accumulates in places that are hard to reach and hard to keep clean. That soft white sticky substance on your teeth may seem harmless enough, but did you know that it consists of over 300 different varieties of bacteria? EW, gross! Exactly; and there are people who seldom brush their teeth more than once a day! The reality of the situation is that we need to understand what happens when we don t practice proper oral hygiene and healthy living habits. According to the Pueblo dentist, oral bacteria, if not kept to a minimum via brushing and flossing can cause the soft tissues in the mouth to become inflamed and infected. Gingivitis not only results in gums that are swollen and unsightly, but also bad breath, which is a guaranteed social deterrent!

Pueblo Dentist: Fancy Dental Implants? Here s How to Need Them

When an oral bacterial infection is left without treatment and exacerbated by further neglect of oral hygiene the decay can migrate down into the gingival sulci or tooth sockets. It is at this juncture that only professional intervention by the Pueblo dentist will be able to restore good oral health; or otherwise you face the inevitable need for dental implants as a result of tooth loss. Yes, tooth loss. One of the biggest causes behind tooth loss and the suite of nasty oral ailments that cause it is poor oral hygiene; in other words, neglecting to brush, floss and see the Pueblo dentist regularly. Other factors include a diet that is high in fats and sugar, tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and drug abuse.

A Final Note from the Pueblo Dentist

If you want to end up losing one or more of your pearly whites to decay and if you want to end up requiring

dental implants

, then poor oral hygiene, says the Pueblo dentist, is the fast track there. For those of us who care about the quality and health of our smiles, regular brushing, flossing and visits to the Pueblo dentist are a must.

So, remember to brush the teeth you want to keep for a lifetime: all of them!

Michele Johnson is working as a dental Scanning operator who has done 3D CAT scanning of patients seeking for aesthetic tooth replacement at

Pueblo dentist

. He has seen people walking away with healthy and natural looking tooth after receiving by

dental implants


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US Federal Reserve raises interest rate from 5% to 5.25%

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The United States Federal Reserve has announced an increase of 25 basis points (0.25%) in the federal funds rate bringing it to 5.25 percent. It also announced its approval of a 25 basis point increase in the discount rate to 6.25 percent.

The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions such as banks lend balances they maintain at the Federal Reserve (called federal funds) to other banks overnight. The discount rate is the interest rate that an eligible bank is charged to borrow short term funds directly from the central bank through the discount window.

In its statement, the Fed said that growth is moderating from its quite strong pace earlier in the year, which it partly attributed to a cooling of the housing market and the delayed effect of increases in interest rates and energy prices. The Fed noted that inflation measures were “elevated” in recent months and that while productivity gains have held down increases in labor costs and inflation expectations “remain contained”. However, it pointed out that high levels of resource utilization and high energy and commodity prices have the potential to sustain inflation pressures.

In its outlook over its future moves, the Fed statement said “Although the moderation in the growth of aggregate demand should help to limit inflation pressures over time, the Committee judges that some inflation risks remain. The extent and timing of any additional firming that may be needed to address these risks will depend on the evolution of the outlook for both inflation and economic growth, as implied by incoming information.”

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Family Coalition Party candidate Mark Morin, Chatham—Kent—Essex

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mark Morin is running for the Family Coalition Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Chatham—Kent—Essex riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

He did not reply to the questions “Which of your competitors do you expect to pose the biggest challenge to your candidacy? Why?” and “Of the decisions made by Ontario’s 38th Legislative Assembly, which was the most beneficial to your this electoral district? To the province as a whole? Which was least beneficial, or even harmful, to your this riding? To the province as a whole?” Some spelling corrections have been made.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Worrying About Baldness? Buy Hair Online!}

Submitted by: James Cheam

Hair problem is one of the main problems that young generation is facing today. Boys or girls, men or women, almost everyone is somewhat concerned about the untimely hair loss, graying hair, or some other hair problem. ‘Baldness’ is termed nothing less than a curse by many young boys. What is it if not irony of fate that you start losing your hair when you need them the most? Yes it is a serious irony. Even those who have compromised with the situation are in fact very much worried in side. They always try to seek a solution of their hair problem and are ready to do whatever one may suggest. However, those who are not ready to accept it as a fate and anyhow want to get over it are seeking hair replacement solutions.

There are several types of hair treatment, hair surgeries, hair replacement and hair plantation facilities available. But each of these options has its own side effects. Some are too costly to be borne by a person with average income; some are too complicated to cope with in routine. In such situations what one can wish for other than an easy, non-detectable, non-surgical and affordable hair replacement system. Where there is a will there is a way. Recently there are some new hair replacement systems being offered in online market. These companies offer customized hair replacement system online with home delivery option. Hair replacement system is always safer than any other hair treatment or surgeries. These companies offer undetectable, non-surgical hair-loss treatment for both men and women. These hair systems are prepared with humane hair. They are made in a way so that you can hardly see the hairline once you fix them on your scalp.


Hair loss is indiscriminately a common problem. It is not specific to any particular race, nationality, gender or grade of persons. However it is mostly found in male person between 20-35 years of age. Many high profile people, CEOs, and even celebrities are not safe from this problem. It has been found that most of these high profile persons prefer hair replacement options to any other medical treatment or surgeries. The hair replacement companies are using latest technologies to make a wide range of products to suit different needs and interests. Many of these companies provide customized solutions as per individual needs. There is a systematic ordering procedure which helps one place order for customized hair replacement solution in the easiest manner. Some of the vendors are even going a step ahead and offering money-back guarantee on their product if it could not satisfy the customer within a specified time range. What more can one ask for!

If you are looking for undetectable, non-surgical hair replacement systems, at affordable pricing, try to search online first. Chances are you will get one most suitable hair replacement system with money-back guarantee. Many people are availing of latest technology borne hair solutions today. Order your hair replacement system online and get it delivered to your door. Surprise your friends and family members with that old beautiful look again!

About the Author: To know more about Precision Hair Plus please visit


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Finland, Canada named among world’s most-fit nations

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Finland and Canada — The Northern European country of Finland was named among the world’s most healthy, according to an investigation by the London-based newspaper, The Guardian. According to health experts, Finland joins Canada as having the distinction of being home to the lowest percentage of “couch potato” citizens among developed nations.

Pekka Puska, Director of Finland’s National Institute of Public Health claimed that in the 1970s, the country held the world record for heart disease. “Finnish men used to say that vegetables were for rabbits and not for men,” he said, “and the staple foods were bread and butter, fatty meat and full-fat milk!”

When the Finnish government found out the figures in the 1970s, it began a campaign to make a healthier nation. The number of males dying of heart problems has, over the past 35 years, decreased by 65 percent, and lung cancer deaths have also dropped dramatically.

Other nations are now considering using similar tactics as the Finnish government to make their own countries more healthy, but some say it is yet another example of a “nanny state.”

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Fears grow about U.S. dollar stability

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The U.S. economy and its currency as an instrument of world trade has suffered a series of major setbacks in recent months. Some analysts say that the Federal Reserve‘s September 18th dramatic rate cut to 4.75% from 5.25% may be a case of “too little, too late”, or that it was excessive and dooms the dollar.

Today, Saudi officials declined to cut interest rates in lockstep with the US Federal Reserve for the first time in decades. According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor for The Daily Telegraph, “it’s a signal that the oil-rich Gulf kingdom is preparing to break the dollar currency peg in a move that risks setting off a stampede out of the dollar across the Middle East.”

Hans Redeker, the Currency Chief at BNP Paribas, also stated today that Saudi Arabia’s move to not adjust their own interest rates in sync with the Fed’s cuts is a very dangerous situation for the US dollar. Redeker points out that “Saudi Arabia has $800bn (£400bn) in their future generation fund, and the entire region has $3,500bn under management. They face an inflationary threat and do not want to import an interest rate policy set for the recessionary conditions in the United States.”

Saudi central bank officials said that “appropriate measures” would be taken to stop the large capital inflows into the country. The Federal Reserve’s half-point rate cut has already caused a plunge in the world dollar index to a fifteen-year low, reaching the weakest level ever against the Euro at just under $1.40.

The Fed hopes that by making it cheaper to borrow, people will start spending and investing more. However, some analysts fear the cut will worsen inflation, making it harder to get personal loans, and further decrease confidence in the dollar around the world. There are already signs that global investors have started rejecting U.S. Treasury securities, and recent U.S. government data on foreign holdings show a decline in purchases of US securities from $97bn to just $19bn in July.

In response to Ben Bernanke‘s statements today about a potential mortgage and housing market crisis, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer said, “If adjustable mortgage rates go up, people may not be able to afford their mortgage payments.” Former Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan said earlier this week that housing prices may fall by “double digits” as the subprime crisis bites harder, prompting households to cut back sharply on spending.

Jim Rogers, the economic commentator and former partner of George Soros, stated, “If Ben Bernanke starts running those printing presses even faster than he’s already doing, we are going to have a serious recession. The dollar’s going to collapse, the bond market’s going to collapse. There’s going to be a lot of problems.”

In recent months, the U.S. dollar has taken several other significant hits including Kuwait’s decision in May to also break its dollar peg, and threats by China to interfere with the U.S. economy, calling it their nation’s “nuclear option”. According to public sources, the Chinese government has begun a concerted campaign of economic threats against the United States, hinting that it may liquidate its vast holding of US treasuries if Washington imposes trade sanctions that seek to force a Yuan revaluation.

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Tips On Dumpster Rental

Tips on Dumpster Rental



Regardless of the type you plan to dispose of garbage, choosing the right shopping cart rental company for your needs garbage collection is absolutely necessary.

If you hire the company incorrectly rent basket, you have to suffer in the end. In addition, it leaves the risk of injury or personal liability. You should do thorough research and make some effort to choose the right rental for your shopping basket removal requirements in order to save you time, money and the risk of liability as well.


Estimate the amount of debris your project will produce. Proper assessment will help you choose the right size of the basket, and saves you time and money. A good company will offer a basket of renting baskets of different sizes and for different purposes. If shopping is not able to meet your requirements, it will cost valuable time and effort, and you have to order another basket and keep people around to get it. However, the order is too large basket is costly as well. You need to make a proper assessment of your goods and to discuss the size of the basket the size of a dumpster rental company in order to reduce unnecessary costs. If the rental company offers basket that is too big or too small for your requirements for your company, it is better to choose another company.

You must have knowledge of your project requirements. For heavy loads, you should hire a cart rental with additional features. For safety, never attempt to lift or throw heavy waste in the trash. Cart rental is better to know, which has enough capacity to meet your requirements. Side and rear doorways swings are a great choice for heavy loads. The rear door swings holes and ramps will provide support to you the facility to use the car, so you can load heavy weights in the basket.

Sometimes the cart rental companies offer their services to garbage collection. These rental companies baskets mainly intermediary, collecting a fee for the rental of the basket and forcing the customers problems and hidden costs. In such circumstances, you can apply different people so your requirements can be met, or you may experience delays in service. But it is better to choose a company that supplies your garbage containers, complete shipping and handling process of debris removal. Always hire rental company baskets that offer prompt next day service and guarantee that service.

Trash containers have serious consequences for the health and safety. You should always choose a company lease basket that has a warning or warning labels on waste containers to let people know about it. It also reduces the impact of liability on your location. Keep in mind, you are responsible for injury if a person gets into a dumpster on the property and is injured. It is better to choose a company that pays special attention to safety and your responsibility.

Dumpster rental in Los Angeles is simple with Dumpstars. Their innovative dumpsters are available for rental in all neighborhoods in the City of Los Angeles and surrounding cities in LA County. Dumpstarts would be best choice if you are looking for a top

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Space Shuttle Discovery launches on mission STS-124

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Space Shuttle Discovery has successfully launched from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, beginning mission STS-124. Discovery will deliver the main pressurised module of the Japanese Experiment Module to the International Space Station. Lift-off occurred at 21:02:12 GMT this evening, with the ascent to an initial sub-orbital trajectory lasting approximately eight and a half minutes. Orbital insertion occurred shortly afterwards, with a circularisation burn which concluded at 21:42 GMT.

This is the third Space Shuttle mission of 2008. STS-124 is the second of three missions to assemble the Japanese Experiment Module, also known as Kibo. The JEM Pressurised Module (JEM PM or JPM) is the largest laboratory module of the International Space Station, and one of the largest payloads ever launched by the Space Shuttle. The main Japanese robot arm, or RMS, will also be launched on this mission. Discovery’s mission is scheduled to last for fourteen days, however it can be extended by two days if necessary. Three spacewalks, or EVAs, are planned to be conducted.

STS-124 has a crew of seven astronauts; Mission Commander Mark E. Kelly, Pilot Kenneth Ham, Mission specialists Karen L. Nyberg, Ronald J. Garan, Michael E. Fossum and Akihiko Hoshide, and Expedition 17 crewmember Gregory Chamitoff. All crewmembers are American, except Hoshide, who is Japanese. The astronauts were awoken at 11:30 GMT on launch day, and began preparations for their launch. This is the first spaceflight for Ham, Nyberg, Garan, Hoshide and Chamitoff, the second for Fossum, and the third for Kelly. The launch coincides with Kelly’s father’s birthday.

Preparations for launch had been underway for several months. The External Tank arrived at the Kennedy Space Center in late March. Following tests in a checkout cell, it was mated with two solid rocket boosters which had been assembled on a Mobile Launch Platform. Discovery was then rolled from the Orbiter Processing Facility to the Vehicle Assembly Building for mating with the External Tank and boosters. Rollover occurred in late April, and was followed by rollout to the launch pad about a week later.

The Kibo pressurised module arrived at the Kennedy Space Center in May 2003 by ship. It was then moved to the Space Station Processing Facility. Electrical interface tests with the Harmony node were conducted in August 2003. At the end of April 2008, the module was placed in a transportation canister, and moved to the launch pad. The payload arrived at the launch pad about a week ahead of the Shuttle. Once Discovery arrived at the launch pad, the module was placed into Discovery’s payload bay. Owing to the size of the payload, there was no room in Discovery’s’ payload bay for the Orbiter Boom Sensor System (OBSS), a safety device used primarily to inspect the Shuttle Orbiter’s heat shield. As a result of this, Endeavour left its OBSS at the International Space Station, during the last Shuttle Mission, STS-123. Discovery’s crew will collect this during an EVA.

Fueling of Discovery’s External Tank in preparation for launch began at 11:50 GMT. By 12:50, it had been confirmed that initial tests on Engine Cutoff (ECO) sensors in the External Tank had been conducted successfully. ECO sensor failures had caused a number of delays to recent Shuttle launch attempts, and STS-124 is the first mission to use a modified tank, which is intended to eliminate such faults. At the time at which tanking began, weather forecasters predicted an 80 percent chance of acceptable conditions at the scheduled launch time. Fuelling was completed, and topping up of cryogenic propellant began, at 15:36. In addition to the ECO sensor modifications, this was the first mission to use an External Tank manufactured after the Columbia accident in 2003, and therefore the first tank to have all safety enhancements built into it, rather than retrofitted.

The terminal countdown resumed after a planned hold at T-3 hours, at 17:07 GMT. Crew walkout from the Operations and Checkout building at the Kennedy Space Center occurred at 17:12. Following walkout, the crew boarded a bus known as the “astrovan”, which was used to transport them to the launch pad. The crew arrived at the launch pad at 17:31, and began boarding Discovery at 17:38. As Mission Commander, Mark Kelly was the first to board the orbiter. He was followed by Chamitoff at 17:42, Ham at 17:52, Fossum at 17:55, Nyberg at 18:08 and Hoshide at 18:11. Ron Garan was the last to board the orbiter at 18:21. Pad technicians known as the closeout crew, assisted the astronauts with boarding the Shuttle, and getting strapped in. The pad technicians were cleared to close the orbiter’s access hatch at 19:02 GMT, and the hatch door was closed two minutes later at 19:04. Sealing the hatch was completed at 19:54.

A scheduled ten-minute hold at T-20 minutes began at 19:47 GMT. During this hold, the closeout crew put thermal insulation plugs into screwholes on the orbiter’s hatch, removed protective covers, and disassembled the white room, a collapsible structure at the end of the crew access arm which is used to access the spacecraft. The countdown resumed at 19:57. At that time, no problems were being worked.

The final built in hold, at T-9 minutes and lasting for 45 minutes and 12 seconds, began at 20:08. During this hold, flight controllers set the exact launch time to be 21:02:12 GMT, and confirmed that the launch window would end at 21:08:59 GMT. The countdown was set to resume at 20:53:12. Shortly before the end of the hold, the launch director described conditions as a “gorgeous day to launch”, and wished the crew “good luck and Godspeed”. Mark Kelly thanked him, and replied “whilst we tend to live for today, Discovery, with Kibo, will certainly deliver hope for tomorrow”. Countdown resumed on time at the end of the hold, and the automated Ground Launch Sequencer was initiated.

When giving clearance to retract the Orbiter Access arm from the Shuttle, seven minutes before launch, the Orbiter Test Conductor wished the crew “best of luck delivering JEM to the International Space Station”. Four minutes before launch, the engines were purged of gasses, and tests of the flight control surfaces began. Liquid hydrogen tanks were pressurised shortly after at T-3 minutes, and the fuel vent cap was retracted. Two minutes before lift-off, the crew were instructed to close and lock their visors, and the liquid oxygen tank was pressurised. At T-50 seconds, the orbiter switched to internal power, and the Shuttle’s flight computers took over control of the countdown at T-31 seconds.

Launch occurred on schedule at 21:02:12 GMT. The Solid Rocket Boosters separated about 120 seconds into the flight, and around eight and a half minutes after launch, the Main Engines (SSMEs) shut down, and the External Tank was jettisoned. At this time, Discovery was on a 65km x 217km x 51.6° sub-orbital trajectory. Orbital insertion followed about thirty minutes later, with a firing of Discovery’s OMS engines. This burn started at 21:39 GMT, and ended at 21:42, lasting two minutes and 44 seconds.

At the time of launch, the International Space Station was flying over the Atlantic Ocean, South-East of Canada. Following launch, a fault was detected with the backup electrical system controlling the left OMS engine gimbal actuator. As it was a backup, flight controllers predicted that it would have no effect on the mission, and all scheduled burns will go ahead. The fault was later traced to the failure of both transducers in the unit, and it was reported that the problem was probably due to an equipment malfunction as opposed to a faulty sensor. When asked about the faulty actuator, NASA Administrator Mike Griffin stated that at the “worst case it would be a loss of redundancy but we will still be able to use that system”. Discovery’s payload bay doors were opened at 22:35 GMT. At 23:09, the crew were cleared to begin on-orbit operations.

Processing and countdown progressed smoothly, and were described by Discovery’s processing and launch flow director, Stephanie Stilson, as being “a very clean flow”. Mission Commander Mark Kelly remarked that there had been a “historic low on spacecraft issues”. Around four hours prior to launch, Stilson remarked that there had been 73 anomalies detected so far. The smallest number of anomalies during the countdown for a previous mission was 76, for STS-103.

Moron AFB in Spain was considered the primary transoceanic abort landing (TAL) site, should an engine failure, or other major problem have occurred during early ascent. Istres in France was considered the backup TAL site. The weather at both of these sites was good, however no abort was required during the launch.

This is the 123rd Space Shuttle mission, and the 35th to be flown by Discovery. Ten further missions are planned, including two contingency logistics flights, prior to the Shuttle’s retirement in 2010. Discovery is assigned to three of these missions. It is next scheduled to fly in early 2009, on mission STS-119. The next Space Shuttle mission will be conducted by Atlantis, which will fly STS-125, the final mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope. This is the fourth manned, and 27th orbital launch of 2008.

At a press conference following launch, NASA Administrator Mike Griffin stated that it was “a huge day for the space station partnership”, and that the International Space Station was “a place in orbit where we can learn to live and work in space”. He congratulated JAXA on the launch of the Japanese Experiment Module, saying that “Japan has now built a first class laboratory…which is capable of supporting humans in space”, and that “with this step Japan has shown itself to be capable of performing at the highest levels of space exploration”. Griffin also stated the STS-124 is “an essential step” in the Space Station programme. When asked by a reporter how he felt about recent NASA successes, including the STS-124 launch, and the landing of the Phoenix probe on Mars last Sunday, he joked that it felt “so great that not even having to do a press conference, two press conferences in a week can ruin it”. When asked about the difficulty of what NASA was doing, he remarked that flight controllers “make it look easy”, but “it is so far from being easy that I could talk until 6am tomorrow, and I wouldn’t touch on how difficult it is”.

NASA Associate Administrator for Space Operations Bill Gerstenmaier said that it was “a great day for the launch”, and described STS-124 as a “pretty challenging mission”. Gerstenmair stated that five foam debris impacts had been identified during ascent, but that NASA “don’t consider this a big deal, they were all late”. When asked what he meant by ‘late’, he explained that after 123 seconds into the flight, pieces of falling foam debris “can’t build up enough velocity to hit the orbiter, or if they hit the orbiter they will just bounce off” He went on to say that “things look really well and look really good”, and that NASA have “no concern” about foam, “It’s not an issue to us”.

Launch Integration manager LeRoy Cain described it as a “flawless countdown and a flawless launch”. He said that STS-124 is “a big milestone for us”, and went on to explain that “this is the most important mission we have going right now”. He also stated that the “tank’s performance looks really good”.

Launch Director Mike Linebach stated that it was a “Fantastic launch”, that was tying for the lowest faults during a countdown, with 74 issues reported. Stephanie Stilson has previously stated that the record was 76 issues, so it is unclear whether STS-124 has set a new record, or is tying with the previous record. Linebach went on to describe the launch as “outstanding”.

Keiji Tachikawa, the President of JAXA said that he “was very delighted to see the Shuttle Discovery successfully launched”. He stated that the Kibo module would “significantly enhance the capability to perform experiments in orbit”, and that experiments conducted aboard the Space Station, and the Kibo module, would lead to “better daily lives for the people of our planet”. He also expressed his “profound appreciation to NASA, and all international and domestic organisations” involved in the launch, explaining that the mission is “very significant to Japan”.

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House approves Senate amended economic stimulus package

Friday, February 8, 2008

The United States House of Representatives has passed the bipartisan US$152 billion economic stimulus package that gives one-time rebates to United States citizens, US$600 for individuals or US$1,200 for couples plus US$300 for each child. US$300 checks would be sent to people on low-income including retirees on Social Security which was not included in the original bill backed by President George W. Bush. The plan would begin to decrease rebates for citizens with taxable incomes of US$75,000 for individuals and US$150,000 for couples. The checks would go out to more than a 130 million Americans according to Treasury secretary Henry Paulson.

The House overwhelmingly approved the more broad Senate amended bill which included the low-income portion mentioned above along with provisions that would keep illegal aliens from receiving a rebate check. Despite some opposition from some Congressmen, such as John B. T. Campbell III of California’s 48th congressional district, the plan passed overwhelmingly 380–34.

Campbell called the plan “wealth redistribution” and noted it did not have safeguards to prevent illegals from receiving these rebates and also claimed that stimulus plan would increase the deficit more and noted the cause of the looming recession was because of “credit problems.”

The United States Senate voted hours earlier on the bill which passed in the Senate, 81–16. after having to shed some incentives included by Senate Democrats which caused the bill to fail. Some of the incentives that were left out of the plan in a compromise to gain Republican support were demands for benefits for long-term unemployed workers and stipulation that would allow low-income citizens to pay off heating bills and let home builders pay off losses off the current year against previous tax years.

President Bush approved of the package, noting in a statement, “This plan is robust, broad-based, timely, and it will be effective, this bill will help to stimulate consumer spending and accelerate needed business investment.”

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Edmund White on writing, incest, life and Larry Kramer

Thursday, November 8, 2007

What you are about to read is an American life as lived by renowned author Edmund White. His life has been a crossroads, the fulcrum of high-brow Classicism and low-brow Brett Easton Ellisism. It is not for the faint. He has been the toast of the literary elite in New York, London and Paris, befriending artistic luminaries such as Salman Rushdie and Sir Ian McKellen while writing about a family where he was jealous his sister was having sex with his father as he fought off his mother’s amorous pursuit.

The fact is, Edmund White exists. His life exists. To the casual reader, they may find it disquieting that someone like his father existed in 1950’s America and that White’s work is the progeny of his intimate effort to understand his own experience.

Wikinews reporter David Shankbone understood that an interview with Edmund White, who is professor of creative writing at Princeton University, who wrote the seminal biography of Jean Genet, and who no longer can keep track of how many sex partners he has encountered, meant nothing would be off limits. Nothing was. Late in the interview they were joined by his partner Michael Caroll, who discussed White’s enduring feud with influential writer and activist Larry Kramer.

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