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US commuter rail accident in Pennsylvania injures over 30

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Shortly after 5:00 pm EDT on Monday, a northbound R6 SEPTA Regional Rail train collided with a northbound R5 train in the Center City section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The collision occurred underground past Philadelphia’s Market East Station, near 9th and Vine Streets. About 30 to 40 people on board the two trains suffered minor injuries, most of whom were riding in the front of the R6 train, however no serious or life-threatening injuries were reported.

The R6 train, heading towards Norristown, Pennsylvania, departed Suburban Station at 4:44 pm, and arrived at Market East Station at 4:50 pm. The R5 train, heading towards Doylestown, Pennsylvania, was running late and traveling right behind it was the R6. Shortly after the R5 departed from Market East Station, the train deployed its air brakes in the tunnel, and then collided with the R6. Although the collision occurred at only around 10 mph (16 km/h), the impact was great enough to toss passengers out of their seats. One rider claimed, “All of the sudden, there was a real hard jerk, and the train just came to a complete stop. It felt like we hit something hard. But I was all right.”

After the collision, the R5 train was unloaded, and its 17 injured victims were taken to Jefferson University, Hahnemann University, and University of Pennsylvania hospitals. After backing up to Market East Station to unload its passengers, the R6 later proceeded to the Temple University station to unload those who were injured, after officials realized it would be easier to unload at the above-ground station. Police officers from the Philadelphia Police Department, SEPTA, and Temple University, rushed to the Temple University train station upon the train’s arrival to help transport injured victims to the nearby Temple University Hospital. Firefighters and paramedics arrived at the station to assist the victims as well, transporting some of them off the train on stretchers.

Uninjured passengers on the R6 train were transported by bus from Market East to Temple University, where they boarded an arriving R6 express train, which immediately switched to local service. Following the collision, all trains passing through Market East Station were affected by delays of at least 20 minutes or more. The out-of-service R6 train remained on one of the two outbound tracks at Temple University station, causing all incoming trains from Center City to queue behind one another on a single track, causing great delays for arriving trains at that station as well.

Paramedics remained on the scene for two hours, and the accident scene was finally cleaned up by 7:00 pm EDT. By 8:00 pm EDT, Regional Rail trains were running back on schedule after encountering delays of up to one hour.

Authorities do not know the cause of the accident, however it is presumed to be a human error by one of the train’s engineers. According to a SEPTA official, “Trains are never under any circumstances supposed to be close enough to make contact so we take that very seriously and will be investigating that very seriously.” Investigations on the accident have begun by both local and federal officials, and the first meeting on this incident will be held by SEPTA on Wednesday.

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Semapedia introduced to Africa: Powered by “Made in Ghana” technology

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation or one of its projects. Please note that Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Semapedia is not associated with the Wikimedia Foundation.

Friday, April 7, 2006

Accra —The Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre for Excellence in ICT introduced the Semacode technology and the Semapedia application to a segment of the Ghanaian public in a presentation delivered by Guido Sohne, Developer-In-Residence at the Centre and Chief Software Architect of CoreNett Ltd, a Ghanaian electronic transaction processing company.

Introduced for the first time in Africa, Semapedia is a way of associating Internet sites with physical barcodes that can be read by cameraphones, enabling one to look up information about physical objects quickly and easily.

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Former Japanese princess Mako Komuro moves to New York with commoner husband

Monday, November 15, 2021

Mako Komuro and her husband, Kei Komuro, travelled to New York yesterday to start a new life together outside of the Japanese Royal Family. Their relationship had been heavily criticized by members of the public in Japan due to its unconventional nature and breaking social norms for the nation. The couple arrived at Tokyo’s Haneda International Airport to much media attention and under heavy security.

Mako Komuro, a former princess and niece of the Japanese emperor, gave up her title in order to marry Kei Komuro, her college sweetheart. While Japan is generally modern in many ways, the status of women and family values are still rooted in feudal practices; Japanese royalty are forbidden from marrying “commoners”.

New York was chosen because Kei has a job at a New York law firm, though he has yet to pass the New York bar exam. According to the Associated Press, this fact was used by Japanese media to discredit and attack him, despite it being common place to not pass a bar exam on the first attempt. Comparisons have been drawn by The Straits Times between scrutiny that they have suffered and that of the Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex of the British royal family.

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Marketing To Baby Boomers How Many Demographics Are We Really Talking About?

By Patricia Winker

The Baby Boomer generation is a hotly sought after market and has been for some time now. Perhaps you’ve marketed a few items to this generation. Maybe you’ve had some success. However, if you are trying to market to Baby Boomers you need to narrow your age group. Why? Because the generally accepted time frame of this demographic is someone born between 1946 and 1964. That is one wide range of ages to target!

From data supplied by the US Census Bureau, we know that we have a huge population of aging Americans. When we take this group of people and put them all together in a single demographic, we are causing a marketing nightmare. How can you market to Boomers as if they are all the same age when the period in history that we refer to spans almost two decades?

Just to be clear; in 2010, people born during the baby boom years are ages 46 to 64. People in their 40’s are vastly different than people in their 60’s. They have different life experiences, histories, wants, and needs. This time spans an entire generation.

If you search the term “baby boomer” you will be marketing to a group of people who have been lumped together by an arbitrary measure of time. Can you afford to waste your time marketing to this one, vast group of people with the same product? A 40 year old will buy a different product than a 60 year old.


If I search a website that says they have products for baby boomers, and I find out that their products are luxury cruises for retired people with time on their hands and money to spend, I will be upset, or maybe even insulted, if I am 46 years old. I may have kids at home yet, am working two jobs just to save money for their college education, and am as far away from time or money for a luxury cruise than you can get!

If I click on a website that uses the general term “boomer” in their marketing vernacular, and the products they sell are anti-aging creams and serums, which age group are they targeting? In my 40’s I may have bought up every anti-aging cream on the market, but folks in their 60’s may be not as interested in anti-aging lotions and more interested in moisture and sun protection.

How can you target your products more specifically to the age group you intended them for? To begin with, you may want to drop the “baby boomer” references entirely. It’s perfectly fine to use that term as a general “remember when” reference, but when it comes to a direct sales approach, you’d better know your market better than that.

So, yes, use the term Baby Boomer Generation when you want to talk about something from your past… a little nostalgia is great. But, when your product will help someone in their 40’s, it may be wrongly marketed to someone in their 60’s.

If you are 46 years old and you receive a product endorsement for Medicare Supplement Insurance how would you feel? I guarantee the name of that product, and your name, would forever be thought of as untrustworthy and an unreliable source. Take a lesson from AARP – that letter comes almost exactly on your 50th birthday. They are not sending them out to a generic Baby Boomer demographic.

It’s often said that when you’re writing something for many people to read, “write for one person.” I must add, “sell to one person.” Know the one person you are marketing to, and not just some arbitrary demographic. Your product, and you, will be rewarded with the trust and esteem of your audience – and, hopefully, customers.

People in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s don’t want to be lumped together anymore than someone in their 20’s wants to be grouped with someone in their 40’s. You are marketing to a very different group of people, so treat us as individuals.

Take action now to change your marketing strategy. Drop the Baby Boomer Generation references from your marketing strategies. We are NOT one age group. This demographic is confusing at best and using this generic term won’t help you market to the so-called baby boomers. Once you focus your marketing on a specific group, rather than a confusing demographic, you’ll earn the respect of all of us Boomers… of every age!

About the Author: Patti Winker knows if you market to a specific age within the demographic called

Baby Boomers

, you’ll find the customer who respects you. We share a long history. Join me as we share memories, ideas, laughs, and even a tear or two at


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Brampton MPP to hold community barbeque

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Bramalea-Gore-Malton-Springdale Member of Provincial Parliament Dr. Kuldip S. Kular invites “everyone” to his community barbecque.

The event lasts from 1 until 4 pm in the northwest corner of Chinguasousy Park, at 9050 Bramalea Road in Brampton. The BBQ is free.

Kular was elected into office in 2003, having come to Campbellton, New Brunswick in 1974 to set up a family medical practice.

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Creekstone Farms sues USDA for refusing to allow mad cow testing

Monday, March 27, 2006

Creekstone Farms Premium Beef, an organic meatpacking company based in Arkansas City, Kansas, filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for what the company claims is threats by the USDA that it would face prosecution if it proceeds with plans to test nearly 100% of its beef for Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, also known as mad cow disease or BSE.

The USDA position is that allowing any meatpacking company to test every cow would undermine the agency’s official position, a position that holds to random testing as a scientifically adequate measure to assure safety. It also claims that 100% testing does not ensure food safety because the disease is difficult to detect in younger animals.

The USDA currently tests about 1% of cattle slaughtered in the U.S. The USDA’s objection is believed to be the result of pressure from larger meatpacking operations. In 2004, the president of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association told the Washington Post that “If testing is allowed at Creekstone, we think it would become the international standard and the domestic standard, too.” Creekstone Farms says tests cost about $20 per animal, increasing the cost of beef by about 10 cents per pound.

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Dependable Drain Cleaning Services Are Necessary For A Home To Run Smoothly

byAlma Abell

Of all the services needed from a professional plumber, clearing out water and sewer drains is perhaps one of the most common. Professional drain-cleaning services need a professional touch if they are to be done correctly because this is one job that should never be given to a layperson. In fact, cleaning of drains requires the right tools and equipment, not to mention experience, so that in the end, your drains are clean, clear, and ready to be used once again.

Making Sure Your Household Runs Smoothly

For a household to run efficiently, the drains and sewer lines must work properly at all times. A lot of things including hair, other debris, and even age can cause your drains to clog up. A good plumber can diagnose the problem and then offer the right drain-cleaning services so that your household can run right from then on, providing you with the peace of mind that you deserve. After all, no one wants a plumbing system that doesn’t work right but with the right plumber, you won’t have to wait long for the problem to go away.

Eliminating Your Problems Today Rather Than Tomorrow

Needing your plumbing problems repaired can be stressful but companies such as Bode’s Electric & Plumbing, Inc. can get things running smoothly quickly. Professional plumbers offer all types of services, including drain-cleaning services, and they are available 24 hours a day. They also offer free quotes even in the case of an emergency and will work on all types of situations quickly and efficiently. From basic tap repairs to the installation of a brand-new bathroom, the right plumbers can take care of all your plumbing problems and they are so customer service-oriented that they even clean up after themselves when they’re done. This is but one of the many reasons why hiring a professional will always produce the results that you want. You can also follow them on Twitter for more updates.

Foreign investment rises in Romania by 19 percent

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Romania’s level of foreign direct investment rose by 19% in the first six months (January-July) of 2005 when compared to the same period of 2004, according to the Romanian Agency for Foreign Investment (ARIS). The country recorded US$750 million of foreign investment in this period, and 56 total investment projects, in comparison to 40 projects between January and July 2004. The majority of the investments occurred in the BucharestIlfov region, which includes the Romanian capital.

The rise in foreign investment is mainly attributed due to a more liberal taxation policy introduced by the Romanian government on January 1, 2005, which centres around a 16% flat tax on personal income and corporate profit. Additionally, the country’s expected membership of the European Union in 2007 and its relatively stable political climate also led to an increase in foreign investment in 2005.

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South African apartheid assassin Eugene de Kock granted parole

Saturday, January 31, 2015

South African Justice Minister Michael Masutha yesterday announced he is granting parole to Eugene de Kock, an apartheid-era assassin who has spent twenty years in prison.

After South Africa’s first democratic elections in 1994 de Kock was arrested and subsequently detailed his actions to the nation’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). As head of a police ‘counter-insurgency’ unit de Kock took responsibility for murdering and torturing dissidents opposed to white-only rule. His methods included bombings, shootings, and stabbings and he operated internationally and at home. His revelations earned him the nickname “Prime Evil”.

The TRC granted de Kock immunity for most crimes in exchange for his testimony. He was charged with remaining offences, not covered due to limits in TRC power, and in 1996 jailed for life for six murders. Additional convictions include kidnap and attempted murder. He received an additional 212-year term for those crimes. The TRC could only grant immunity where the offence was a human rights violation and the offender gave a full confession.

During his TRC testimony de Kock accused police commanders of ordering murders including those of African National Council (ANC) members. In a 2007 prison interview he said FW de Klerk, the last white President, had hands “soaked in blood”. De Klerk denies de Kock’s allegations he ordered individual murders.

It’s mixed feelings, which is something we’ve gotten used to as South Africans

In the early nineties de Kock teamed up with anti-ANC party Inkatha to arrange violence within black communities. Internal conflict killed 12,000 in the wake of future President Nelson Mandela’s release. Mandela wrote of fearing “a hidden hand behind the violence[…] attempting to disrupt the negotiations”, by orchestrating the clashes in Natal and Transvaal. He was referring to upcoming elections and a transfer of power away from white rule and apartheid.

Masutha said de Kock was being released “in the interest of reconciliation and nation building”. The date, location, and terms are to remain secret.

Reaction from his victims is varied.

Murder victim Glenack Mama’s widow Sandra welcomed the release. She said to a BBC reporter “I think it will actually close a chapter in our history because we’ve come a long way and I think his release will just once again help with the reconciliation process because there’s still a lot of things that we need to do as a country”. She said “He got the instructions from the top and they [more senior officials] got away with it[…] they’re amongst us today and one man is taking the fall”.

I pray that those whom he hurt, those from whom he took loved ones, will find the power within them to forgive him

Eddie Makue said to The Associated Press the release stirred up “mixed feelings, which is something we’ve gotten used to as South Africans”. He was a South African Council of Churches employee in 1988 when de Kock bombed their headquarters. Jane Quin said she was “terribly disappointed” and he should never be released. Her sister Jacqui Quin was murdered in Lesotho in 1985 by de Kock.

TRC chairman Archbishop Desmond Tutu said “I pray that those whom he hurt, those from whom he took loved ones, will find the power within them to forgive him.” He said the release would not be universally welcome but is nonetheless “to our collective credit, as people and as a nation.” Tutu called it “an indictment on our government” that apartheid officials who did not co-operate with the TRC had evaded prosecution.

Whilst in prison de Kock has assisted the recovery of his missing victims’ remains. Remorse and his help to the Missing Persons Task Team were cited by Masutha as reasons to release him, which was initially decided against last July. “[H]is key role has been to introduce us to other former security police who can assist with finding others,” said Task Team leader Madeleine Fullard. Fullard said de Kock had also directly assisted in retrieving two bodies. “He certainly feels lives were wasted for no reason”, she added, describing a meeting with him at one ANC victim’s grave. “He seemed to be quite stressed.”

Masutha also announced yesterday the rejection of a parole application by apartheid killer Clive Derby-Lewis, an ex-MP. Derby-Lewis is serving life for murdering popular South African Communist Party leader Chris Hani. Hani also led the ANC’s militant division. His killing in 1993 sparked rioting. Derby-Lewis sought parole because he has lung cancer. Masutha said in rejecting the application that Derby-Lewis was remorseless.

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