Author Amy Scobee recounts abuse as Scientology executive

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wikinews interviewed author Amy Scobee about her book Scientology – Abuse at the Top, and asked her about her experiences working as an executive within the organization. Scobee joined the organization at age 14, and worked at Scientology’s international management headquarters for several years before leaving in 2005. She served as a Scientology executive in multiple high-ranking positions, working out of the international headquarters of Scientology known as “Gold Base”, located in Gilman Hot Springs near Hemet, California.

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Forex Trading Hours: Can You Trade Forex 24/7?

Submitted by: G. B. Wiley

The forex market hours stretch from Monday morning in Sydney, Australia to Friday afternoon in New York. During that time the market is open somewhere around the globe at all hours of the day or night.

However it is not a 24/7 market because it does shut down on weekends. 24/5 would be more accurate. Even with the use of an automated trading system, like the Forex Megadroid Robot, 24/7 trading is not possible.

If you need to know the exact times that the markets open and close, you have to take time zones into consideration. Markets often use GMT as a universal way of expressing the time. GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time, although some people call is UTC (Universal Coordinated Time). This is the standard (winter) time in Greenwich, London which is the point of zero longitude on the globe.

So, the normal forex market hours are 22.00 Sunday GMT to 22.00 Friday GMT. This is 10 pm in the UK in winter time.

New York is 5 hours behind the UK so the global forex market opens and closes at 5 pm Sunday/Friday in New York, 2 pm on the US west coast, 11 pm in Germany, 8 am Monday/Saturday in Sydney.

Things get a little complicated when you start to try to take summer time daylight saving into account. Daylight saving time means the actual time is ahead ny one hour in those countries. For countries in the southern hemisphere like Australia, whose summer months are from September through to March, daylight saving effects them at a different time of year to the northern hemisphere.


Here are the trading times of some of the big markets:

Sydney: 10 pm to 7 am GMT

Tokyo: 12 midnight to 9 am GMT

London: 8 am to 5 pm GMT

New York: 1 pm to 10 pm GMT

{Or we can express that in EST (Eastern US time)For New York, we can show that is EST}:

Sydney: 5 pm to 2 am EST

Tokyo: 7 pm to 4 am EST

London: 3 am to 12 noon EST

New York: 8 am to 5 pm EST

Now you can see how the markets are open 24 hours.

During this 24 hour trading cycle, the markets will experience good an bad times to trade. Markets can become volatile with lots of activity just after the opening of a major market. It is common for traders to stop trading for an hour or so after a major market opens, due to this high level of volatility and unpredictability.

The US dollar and the Euro are the two most traded currencies, although the dollar is way ahead being involved in 2.5 times the number of trades than the Euro is. This means that events in the USA have a greater impact on the financial markets than events in other countries. The New York market tends to slow down around 3 pm local time (8 pm GMT) and if you are involved in a US dollar pair, many traders choose to end their trading day at this time.

In theory, you can trade forex 24 hours a day (excluding weekends). Automated software like the Forex Megadroid Robot can even make this physically possible. However, a cautious trader will choose his times and will not be active during all of the forex market hours.

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U.S. Senate majority goes to Democrats

Friday, November 10, 2006

George Allen, incumbent Republican Senator from Virginia, conceded the state’s mid-term election to Democratic challenger Jim Webb on Thursday. Democrats have now gained the six seats needed by the party to hold majority control of the Senate.

“The people of Virginia have spoken, they have spoken in a closely divided voice. We have two 49ers,” Allen said during the afternoon press conference in Arlington. Allen garnered 49.25% of the vote, compared to the 49.55% who supported Webb. “I do not wish to cause more rancor by protracted litigation that would not, in my opinion, alter the results.”

The concession by Allen in traditionally Republican Virginia follows what were once prospects for an Allen 2008 presidential bid. An easy Allen re-election campaign to the Senate was expected, but what came was the Democrats ability to frame the election as a national referendum on the war in Iraq. Democrats may have succeeded nationally to draw on the issue of Iraq, but local politics were very much in play in Northern Virginia.

According to the Virginia Pilot, “Unofficial returns gave Democratic nominee Webb a 120,000-vote advantage over Allen in Northern Virginia’s eight localities. But Webb trailed badly across most of the rest of the state and would have decisively lost the election without his Northern Virginia support.” The margin by which Webb won was 9,000 votes.

Allen’s formulaic stance against tax increases, whether for highway taxes to improve congested northern highway and commuter corridors, or outright fiscal conservativism of all taxes in the face of a burgeoning national deficit, worked against him.

The state constitutional amendment banning recognition of same-sex marriage supported by Allen, but opposed by Webb and Governor Tim Kaine, and most Northern Virginians, worked against Allen in the election.

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Four Indonesian airlines allowed back into Europe; Zambia, Kazakhstan banned

Friday, July 17, 2009

The European Union (EU) has allowed four Indonesian airlines back into their airspace. A blanket ban had been placed on Indonesian air carriers in 2007. The EU has now added every Zambian airline and all but one from Kazakhstan to their blacklist.

We cannot afford any compromise in air safety

The four airlines allowed to fly into Europe are state-owned flag carrier Garuda Indonesia, privately owned scheduled carrier Mandala Airlines and two private chartered airlines dealing mainly with western clients, Airfast Indonesia and Premiair.

The decision to place the nation’s fleet on the list of air carriers banned in the European Union followed a string of accidents, as well as a safety audit by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). The accidents included the Adam Air Flight 574 disaster, where an airliner vanished from radar and crashed, Adam Air Flight 172, a nonfatal accident in which a plane cracked in half after landing and Garuda Indonesia Flight 200, a runway overrun that killed 21.

The ICAO had issued 600 safety recommendations to Indonesia. According to foreign minister Hassan Wirajuda, there are 69 requirements issued to the airlines by the EU, of which 62 have been met. Indonesia has also made improvements to its safety infrastructure, introducing better inspections. Earlier this year, five airlines had their operating certificates revoked for failing inspections.

The EU said the decision was made as a result of “significant improvements and accomplishments of the Indonesian civil aviation authority” which “are recognised in the area of safety.” Garuda plans to launch services to Europe next year.

The EU list now also contains all Zambian airlines and every airline from Kazakhstan except Air Astana. Astana has had restrictions put upon its flights to Europe.

European Commissioner for Transport Antonio Tajani used these additions as an opportunity to repeat a call for the list to be made global, which he had first suggested after the crash of Yeminia Flight 626 earlier this month.

“We cannot afford any compromise in air safety,” he said. “Citizens have the right to fly safely anywhere in the world. It is high time that the international community rethinks safety policy. Those airlines which are unsafe should not be allowed to fly anywhere.”

The only other modification to the list was to Angolan flag carrier TAAG. Previously banned completely, they will now be allowed to fly some of their aircraft into Portugal, with operating restrictions. The move comes after the Portuguese and Angolan civil aviation bodies signed a deal to co-operate to improve safety.

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Massachusetts lawmakers enact plan for universal health coverage

Friday, April 7, 2006Legislators in the Massachusetts General Court, their name for the state legislature, approved legislation on Tuesday, April 4, that would make it the first state in the United States to require all residents to have health insurance and impose penalties for non-compliance. Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a Republican who is expected to run for U.S. President in 2008, is expected to sign the bill.

The bill passed the lower house, the Massachusetts House of Representatives by a vote of 155-2, and unanimously by the state senate. The Democratic Party holds supermajorities in both houses of the legislature.

Among the bill’s provisions are these:

  1. Businesses that employ more than 10 people are required to provide health insurance for all staff or face fines of $295 per year per uninsured worker.
  2. Individuals will be required to enroll in a health plan by July 1, 2007, or face tax penalties.
  3. Health insurers will provide partially to fully subsidized coverage for low-income residents.

At least one other state (Hawaii) requires employers to provide employee health insurance, but no other state holds individuals accountable for coverage.

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Managing The Inventory Database With Accounting Software

Managing the Inventory Database with Accounting Software


Antony Wilmer

Accounting software enables your business venture to reduce man-hours on payroll management and makes the whole process error free Inventory may be defined as Finished products that are ready for sale, but have not been sold yet .

You may use multiple Inventory Software packages available in market. The

accounting software

can provide you with multiple functionalities such as profit controls, real time inventory tracking, price levels, payroll, and tax calculations.

Some of the salient features of Inventory Management Software are explained below:

Real Time Inventory Tracking: Enables you to perform real time inventory tracking among multiple stores and locations.

Expiry Date Tracking: Enables you to assign the expiry date to the items during or immediately after receiving the items.


Manufacturer Lot Tracking: Enables you to select the Manufacturer lot when required for transaction.

Multi Level Categories: Enables you to maintain multi level categories for easy management.

Currency Manager: Enables you to manage and calculate currency for multiple geographical locations. It also facilitates you to convert money value.

Stock Transfer: Enables you to transfer the stock among multiple geographical locations.

Backup Creation: Enables you to create and backup the company s data.

Reports: Enables you to create reports in multiple formats as per the customer requirements.

Inventory Accounting Software is specific to the accounting. It facilitates you to perform financial activities such as Financial Reporting, Banking, and budgeting.

Some of the salient features of Inventory Management Software are explained below:

Budgets: Enables you to transfer the budget amount among multiple accounts.

Accounts: Enables you to manage income and expenditure. It also enables you to track the receivables, plan the cash flow.

Sales Commission: Enables you to calculate the sales commissions that are due to the agents.

Banking: Enables you to modify the financial details such as credit card details, transfer funds, and check details.

It also enables you to perform the audit related activities.

There might be both permanent and temporary staff in one business organization. Permanent employees are paid salary and the contractual ones are paid on hourly basis. Bonuses and commissions are to be paid to permanent staff. Along with wage, the compensation package might also include time-offs, sick benefits, holiday benefits, health care and pension. As an employer you may also have to cover disability and life insurance for your employees. You also have to count the tax deductions for company and employees. All these make effective payroll management a necessity.

Payroll can be managed manually. But, manual management might lead to investment of more man-hours and is prone to mistakes. To help you in this regard accounting software is available. All leading software manufacturers are now producing accounting software for the most common issues to the critical ones of the payroll. With few clicks on computer you can collate a handful of information regarding online payroll software.

Antony Wilmer is freelance writer. He has written numerous article and blogs on ecommerce and software for more details about crm software,

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visit our url:

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Australian writer Harry Nicolaides jailed for three years for insulting Thai Royal Family

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

File:King Bhumibol Adulyadej Portrait.jpg

Melbourne writer Harry Nicolaides, 41, was sentenced on Monday to three years imprisonment for defaming the Royal Family of Thailand. He had pled guilty to the lèse majesté indictment that arose from a self-published 2005 novel, Verisimilitude, of which only 50 copies were printed, and just seven sold.Meanwhile, yesterday, the Thai police charged a leading leftist political science professor, Dr. Giles Ji Ungpakorn, with lèse majesté.

The passage of concern, which comprised only 103 words or 12 lines, referred to a crown prince’s love life. This allegedly insulted the lifestyle of H.R.H. Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, the only son of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Sirikit.

The Royal Family of Thailand is the current ruling house of the Kingdom of Thailand, the Head of the House of the King of Thailand. It is protected by law (Lèse majesté) from insult, with the charge carrying a maximum 15-year sentence.

“He has written a book that slandered the king, the crown prince of Thailand and the monarchy,” the judge ruled. “He was found guilty under criminal law article 112 and the court has sentenced him to six years, but due to his confession, which is beneficial to the case, the sentence is reduced to three years,” the judge explained.

Nicolaides earlier confessed to having slandered 81-year-old King Bhumibol and his son Vajiralongkorn. “I respect the King of Thailand. I was aware there were obscure laws (about the monarchy) but I didn’t think they would apply to me,” he tearfully said. He was arrested and detained at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport on August 31 as he tried to leave the country on a routine trip. Nicolaides was unaware of an arrest warrant issued on March 17, since he was not officially notified of the preliminary investigation.

Nicolaides had even sent copies of the published book to the Thai Ministry of Culture and Foreign Affairs, the national library and the Bureau of the Royal Household, for approval. In the decision, the Thai judge clarified that Nicolaides had placed the monarchy into disrepute, even obliquely, by his “reckless choice of words”. The judgment cited a passage about the novel’s fictional prince which caused “dishonour” to the royals and suggested an “abuse of royal power.”

The fictional passage in question goes as follows:

From King Rama to the Crown Prince, the nobility was renowned for their romantic entanglements and intrigues. The crown prince had many wives, ‘major and minor’, with a coterie of concubines for entertainment. One of his recent wives was exiled with her entire family, including a son they conceived together, for an undisclosed indiscretion. He subsequently remarried another woman, and fathered another child. It was rumoured that if the prince fell in love with one of his minor wives, and she betrayed him, she and her family would disappear with their name, familial lineage and all vestiges of their existence expunged forever.Verisimilitude, Harry Nicolaides

Nicolaides, who had worked in Thailand from 2003 to 2005 as a Chiang Rai university lecturer in hospitality and tourism, left the Bangkok court wearing a dark orange prison jumpsuit with his feet shackled. “This is an Alice-in-Wonderland experience. I really believe that I am going to wake up and all of you will be gone. I would like to apologise. This can’t be real. It feels like a bad dream,” said Nicolaides. He felt “dreadful,” adding, “I wish my family the best.”

His brother Forde Nicolaides said Harry is not appealing but will request a Thai royal pardon. “We’re devastated. You might be able to hear my mother crying in the background. It’s quite devastating for us. The whole case has been a massive emotional ordeal that has consumed our entire family. It’s beyond belief,” Forde was reported as saying.

Nicolaides’ family has attributed some blame to the Rudd government for its failure to intervene in the case. Forde criticized Foreign Minister Stephen Smith: “There is a huge expectation gap between what Australian citizens think the Australian government will do when they are in trouble overseas versus what they will do.”

Harry’s father Socrates Nicolaides, 83, delivered an appeal letter to Mr. Rudd last week. “I said to him, as one father to another father, please Mr. Prime Minister, I plead with you to do your utmost to do everything in your power to get Harry released,” Mr. Nicolaides said. His wife Despina Nicolaides, 75, collapsed when she saw the video footage of her son. “He has just written a book,” she said amid tears.

Despina Nicolaides said on Wednesday she appealed to King Bhumibol for a royal pardon, but her family has not received any reply from the Thai government. “We don’t know when really it will be okay for Harry to be released – they don’t say anything,” she said. “I’m worrying sick. I hope that they will help us too like they did the Swiss people,” she added.

According to Foreign Minister Smith, an Australian consular staff in Bangkok visited Nicolaides 25 times in prison. “We understand the anxiety that is being felt by Mr. Nicolaides and his family, however, he is subject to the legal and judicial processes of Thailand,” the Smith’s spokesman said. Moreover, Thai laws require a waiting period of 30 days from promulgation of the sentence before Nicolaides becomes eligible to apply for a Thai King’s pardon.

I feel persecuted, to be honest… I want to be given a chance to apologise and explain.

Smith mentioned that he had forwarded the Federal Government’s letter to Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya Monday for the Australian writer’s pardon. “I raised Mr. Nicolaides’ case with then Thai Foreign Minister Sompong when we met at APEC in November last year,” Mr. Smith added.

Independent Senator Nicholas (Nick) Xenophon has called on the Australian Federal Government to exert pressure on Thailand for the early repatriation of Nicolaides who has already served five months in jail. He has been refused bail four times. Xenophon is a South Australian barrister, anti-gambling campaigner and No Pokies, independent in the South Australian Legislative Council.

“The imprisonment has taken a heavy toll on his physical and mental health. He has lost weight, he has been continually unwell for extended periods of time and obviously psychologically he has found the experience of being in prison in Thailand very challenging,” his Australian lawyer, Mark Dean SC said. “Once that sentence is passed, if it’s not a suspended sentence, then an application will be made for a royal pardon and we’re hoping that that will be processed as quickly as possible,” he added.

Acting Premier of Victoria, Justin Hulls said he has enquired about whether Victorian Government can provide assistance to Nicolaides. Hulls’ legal team applied for a Thai royal pardon. His office has also communicated with lawyers of the case and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

According to Reporters Without Borders (RWB, or Reporters Sans Frontières), a Paris-based international non-governmental organization that advocates freedom of the press, the sentence imposed was “a serious violation of free expression.” The group has expressed concern at the use of the Lèse majesté laws to suppress political discussion and dissenting voices.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the Thai police filed a lèse majesté case against Dr. Giles Ji Ungpakorn, 55, a political science professor at Chulalongkorn University and Thailand’s leading leftist political analyst. “The government, the prime minister, should order that they (the lese majeste laws) cease being used against people and that a whole review of the law should take place,” Giles said.

The accusations against Giles stem from the publishing a 2007 anti-military coup book, ‘A Coup for the Rich,’ which can be downloaded free on his blog The 144-page critique is an academic textbook dealing with the Thailand political crisis 2005-2006, the bloodless coup of September 19, 2006 which overthrew former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Professor Ungpakorn’s father Puey Ungpakorn was the Bank of Thailand‘s governor for 12 years and also a Thammasat University dean, and whose brother Jon Ungpakorn is a former senator.

Giles was duly informed of the charges at the central Pathum Wan Police Station. He was granted 20 days to file a sworn counter-statement to the police, who will then rule on whether to file formal charges in the courts for trial. “Lèse majesté is being used to destroy free speech,” said Giles who denied the charges. “The lès majesté laws are there to protect the military and to protect governments that come to power through military action. They’re not really about protecting the monarchy,” he added.

The Thai people believe that King Bhumibol and the Thai Royal Family are semi-divine. Accordingly, insulting the monarchy is taken extremely seriously in Thailand. Justice Minister Pirapan Salirathavibhaga earlier vowed to impose tougher regulations to implement the laws. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, however, announced last week that he was trying to “strike the balance between upholding the law and allowing freedom of expression.” Pirapan has reported that more than 10,000 websites have similar criminal contents.

The Thai government had already blocked about 4,000 websites, including 2,300 websites recently, for alleged violations of lèse majesté law. As of last week, more than 17 criminal cases of insulting the royal family were still pending. About 400 more websites await a court restraining order, according to Information and Communication (ICT) Minister Ranongruk Suwanchawee.

Lèse majesté cases have been filed against several people, including Chotisak On-soong, Jitra Kotchadej, Darunee Charnchoengsilpakul, Suwicha Thakhor, Sondhi Limthongkul, and social activists like Sulak Sivaraksa who were charged in the 1980s and 1990s. The King, however, has routinely granted pardons to most people jailed for lèse majesté. In March 2007, Swiss national Oliver Jufer was convicted of lèse majesté and sentenced to 10 years for spray-painting on several portraits of the king while drunk in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Jufer was pardoned by the king on April 12, 2007.

In March 2008, Police Colonel Watanasak Mungkijakarndee filed a similar case against Jakrapob Penkhair for comments made in a Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCCT) event in August 2007. In 2008 BBC south-east Asia correspondent Jonathan Head was accused of lèse majesté three times by Colonel Watanasak Mungkijakarndee. In the most recent case Watanasak filed new charges highlighting a conspiracy connecting Jonathan Head to Veera Musikapong at the FCCT.

Canberra Thai Embassy Minister counselor, Saksee Phromyothi, on Wednesday defended the country’s harsh lèse majesté, saying that, “under Thailand’s constitution, the king was above politics and was prevented from publicly defending himself from personal attacks.” Mr. Saksee explained that “99 per cent of foreigners convicted under this law get pardoned and then we deport them.”

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Oil spewing from crack in seafloor of Gulf of Mexico was fifty feet from Deepwater Horizon well

Monday, July 19, 2010

After an investigation, Wikinews has learned that oil spewing from a rupture in the seafloor of the Gulf of Mexico on June 13 was 50 to 60 feet from the Deepwater Horizon leak.

A nearly four and a half minute video posted on YouTube on June 13 was from the Viking Poseidon ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) 1. It shows oil and methane leaking from the seafloor at around 2:48 a.m. on June 13. The ROV monitors the leak for a minute and even gets covered in a plume of oil and sand before it moved on to the next spot. Smaller eruptions were seen as the ROV traveled, making the leak locations vary from 50 to 60 feet from the damaged well.

Until now, there was no way to determine the location of the ROVs in relation to the previously leaking Deepwater Horizon well. Alexander Higgins, an independent computer programmer, developed the ‘Gulf Oil Spill ROV UTM Distance Calculator.’ Using the coordinates for the location of the Deepwater Horizon, and the location of the Viking Poseidon on June 13, Wikinews was able to determine that the first rupture and leak was approximately 50.45 feet from the leaking well or “21.56 feet [n]orth and 45.61 feet [w]est” of the Deepwater leak point.

Higgins told Wikinews how he created the calculator, and says it is “very accurate,” but that the tool would “not give you accurate measurements over a large distance, e.g. from the well head to New Orleans.”

“This tool was created using java script that uses basic Pythagorean theorem ( A 2 + B 2 = C 2 {\displaystyle A^{2}+B^{2}=C^{2}} ) to calculate the distance between two points. The distance is simply ( N 1 ? N 2 ) 2 + ( E 1 ? E 2 ) 2 {\displaystyle {\sqrt {(N_{1}-N_{2})^{2}+(E_{1}-E_{2})^{2}}}} . ROV coordinates match the location within a few feet when looking at the well because obviously the ROV can not be over the exact center because that is where the BOP is,” said Higgins.

BP, who owned and operated the Deepwater Horizon, has denied that any oil or methane gas is leaking from the sea floor. On July 16, Kent Wells, the senior vice president of BP, said on their official Twitter page that “4 ROVs using sonar scanning [are] looking for anomalies in seabed floor. No indications any oil or gas escaping.” Seismic tests were conducted on July 16; Admiral Thad Allen of the United States Coast Guard said that “no anomalies” were found, but also that the tests were “not comprehensive.”

On Sunday, Wikinews contacted BP, who authenticated the video, and asked if any ROVs were sent back to the crack and leak location on June 13 for further investigation. According to their office in London, England, they “sent ROVs to investigate and monitor that and no further signs of oil or gas were found.” They also stated that they “have continued to monitor” and “have also carried out seismic surveys. Nothing found to give concern.” Wikinews also asked if they could confirm the location of the leak and crack, but no response was given.

However, on July 18, the Associated Press reported that there was “seepage” coming from the area at the bottom of the Deepwater well head. For the past two days, ROV cameras showed bubbles coming from the base of well. BP said it would test the bubbles to determine what they are and as of Sunday, COO of BP Doug Suttles says the bubbles are not methane, but further tests are being conducted. “If you can imagine, it is not an easy operation to collect those bubbles so that they can be tested to see what their make-up is.”

Since the June 13 video surfaced, other videos have been posted to YouTube allegedly showing some of the ROVs being tossed around by large amounts of oil seeping through the seafloor. One video showed an alleged eruption spraying oil and debris around the BOA DEEP C 2 ROV before it was tossed from side to side. It then immediately retreated to the surface. Some of the cracks on ocean floors, where oil has leaked from, have occurred naturally. One such oil spill in California in 2005 was the result of a naturally occurring crack in the floor of the Pacific Ocean. Some of those cracks can cause oil to leak through at a rate as high as 5,000 gallons a day, with most of the oil not even reaching the water’s surface. In the Gulf of Mexico, oil leaks through natural cracks at a rate several times less than leaked from the Deepwater well.

“The Deepwater Horizon site releases 3 to 12 times the oil per day compared to that released by natural seeps across the entire Gulf of Mexico. By May 30, the Deepwater Horizon site had released between 468,000 and 741,000 barrels of oil, compared to 60,000 to 150,000 barrels from natural seeps across the entire Gulf of Mexico over the same 39 day period,” said Cutler Cleveland, a Boston University professor at the university’s Department of Geography and Environment.

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill started on April 20 after an explosion on the rig. Efforts to put out the fire failed and the rig subsequently sank to the bottom of the Gulf. On April 22, an oil slick appeared on the surface of the Gulf. BP capped the leaking well on July 13 which effectively stopped oil from leaking into the Gulf. The company has been running a pressure integrity test on the 150,000 pound cap for 48 hours. Earlier on July 17, they announced the test would continue for another day. BP hopes for the well’s pressure to rise to or above 7,500 PSI. As of Saturday morning the well’s pressure was just above 6,700 PSI. BP fears anything lower than the expected PSI could mean a leak in the cap or elsewhere, such as oil or methane seeping up from the seafloor.

“We are feeling more comfortable we have integrity. We will keep monitoring and make the decisions as we go forward. The longer the test goes the more confidence we have in it,” said Allen.

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Car bomb kills at least three in Dagestan, Russia

Thursday, January 27, 2011

According to police, at least three civilians were killed and three others injured by a car bomb in the Republic of Dagestan in Russia.

Reports say the blast occurred outside the Karavan Cafe in Khasavyurt and only killed those inside the cafe.

An unconfirmed report says one of the injured died while receiving medical treatment.

There are nearly daily attacks in Dagestan from Islamic militants, wanting to form an Islamic state. The militants usually target police and other security officials.

Militants from Dagestan are suspected in an attack earlier this week at the Domodedovo airport in Moscow, killing at least 35 and injuring 110.

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Puppy Adopt

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The problem with this is that you might end up with a Saint Bernard where you wanted a smaller sized, more manageable dog. Or you might end up with a Bassett Hound where you wanted a Retriever.

This is where you need to make sure that when youre looking at those big puppy brown eyes that you dont forget to look at the rest of it too. Thats why, even if you want to adopt a puppy adopt options and details should be looked at carefully beforehand. This way you know what youre getting yourself into.

Determine as far as possible what breed of dog the puppy is and always be sure that there are no underlying health issues which could pose problems for you in the future. Ask the staff at the shelter or the pound whether any necessary injections or medical work is up to date and what else you need to do.

Dont just fall for a pair of big brown eyes. Make sure that youre going to be fully equipped to handle everything that goes along with having a puppy adopt details and medical work arent the only things you need to look at.

You also need to make sure that youre going to be able to look after it, and that it will have adequate room to run around in. Youll also have to make sure that it gets the proper foods, enough exercise, and you should also be willing to foot any veterinary bills that are bound to come your way.

Another thing that you should also remember when youre looking at getting a puppy adopt details and medical bills aside, is that dogs and puppies especially are very loving creatures.

They need a lot of nurturing to keep them happy and contented. If you need to be constantly away from your home and have to leave your puppy alone for long stretches of time, you might want to think twice about looking at getting a puppy.

Remember, adopting a puppy is one thing. Looking after it and caring for it through its lifetime is another. Theres a lot more at stake here than just going out and getting a puppy, theres also the fact that you will be responsible for the puppy and care for its emotional, physical and mental health. So if you want a puppy adopt one by all means, but also be prepared to make a life long commitment to it.