Attractive And Comfortable Scrubs For Men As Medical Uniform}

Submitted by: Operation Scrub

During the revolution of human society, dress played a vital role as I think. At first, it was just to protect our body from the unstable environment and then we added some flavor of designs to it and the trend of designer costumes began. However, as our topic here is scrubs for men, weve focused basically on the transmutation in medical wears. Even 40 or 50 years ago it was not much vital as people didnt have enough faith on hospitals till then and they used to visit their local doctors for their treatment.

But, you may remember that on those days doctors used to wear with starched coats as their uniform and gradually it become the globally accepted doctors uniform. Even few years ago the trend was unaffected until some hospitals designed the scrubs for men. It is a purely cotton made stylish and of course comfortable dress with two parts top and pajamas. The scrubs for men are basically designed for the medical professionals for better comfort during the working hours.

The costume is specially designed baggy to offer enough air circulation in the body that is very important to offer enough comfort. At the same time the cotton cloth soaks the perspiration of our body and provides a gentle feeling even in high temperature regions. On the other hand, if your hospital is located at any cold atmosphere county, you still can feel comfortable with the scrubs for men as cotton it best for every climate.


Another point that we should not miss here is the fabric content printed on scrubs for men. Art is refreshing for every person; regardless of the community, language or profession. It has enough ability to change our mental state instantly. Thats why garment companies print innovative and attractive designs of fabric on scrubs for men. It gives us instant refreshment and helps to forget every stress within a moment.

It is used more intelligently in the childrens hospitals. You can see the nurses with attractive bright images of flowers, butterflies, fruits etc on their dresses as it attracts children. These designs made on women scrubs helps the nurses to get immediate control on the children came for treatment.

However, its very amazing that scrubs for men very soon grabbed the market and spread in the market as casual wears for common people. People have appreciated the quality of the dress and are using vastly as casual wear. Even women are purchasing women scrubs for home use and other purposes. They are using these for shopping, attending social parties and even as sleeping wears.

I have talked to several women and all said that they liked the comfort and care-free nature of this dress too much. Here I must mention that the cheap cost of the dress also is a vital matter that attracts the women to purchase the women scrubs. There are several online shopping portals that offer scrubs for men at huge discount on different seasons.

But, the persons with uncommon health feel frustrated as hardly any company designs scrubs for men of such sizes. I suggest them to find brands that offer custom made costumes and order to design tailored scrubs for men for you. It might be little costly, but will be best for you from every angle.

About the Author: The author of this article is a consultant designer with several years of experience in designing scrubs for men and women scrubs. He is also an online trainer of garment designing. For more information please visit


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Scrub Uniform For Your Profession}

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Submitted by: Maggie Johnson

As you may or may not know there are many individuals in the medical, dental, vision and other medical associated fields that swear by the usage of scrubs. Scrubs very closely resemble sweats in format but they are made out of a different fabric so they are lighter in weight which makes them much easier to work in. The scrub uniform consists of a top and bottom but there are so many variations that you can stand two people wearing scrubs next to each other and they can look very differently. The scrub is the single most popular garment to wear if you are in these professions.

The scrub originated with surgeons. It was the outfit that they changed into just before they were to go into the scrub room to wash their hands. This is where the term originally came from. For many years surgeons were the primary group of medical professionals that wore the scrub uniform. This spread to the assistants in the surgery room including the nurses and technicians. Eventually anyone that had any reason to go into a surgical room during a surgery would put on scrubs first. This started the expansion of the uniform from the surgical ward to other wards.


Surgeons soon started to do their post-op rounds with a clean pair of scrubs on. Usually they did this because they were going to be back in surgery soon and they needed to be prepared. Sometimes it was just because they liked them more and they were more comfortable than lab coats. Soon medical personnel that supported the surgeries also started to wear scrubs such as the lab technicians and others. Eventually hospitals started to ease their dress code requirements and the scrub uniform became optional for many of the medical personnel at the facility.

As soon as hospitals started to allow the scrub uniform some of the doctors who had private practices began to allow their office staff to wear them as well and the scrub uniform began to appear in private practices. From there the use of the scrub mushroomed into just about every facet of the medical field and is now an accepted part of the dress code within almost all medical facilities. Although the traditional uniform is still worn or mandated by some, it is by far the minority amongst many of the job types you will run into at a medical facility.

The reason scrubs have taken off in popularity is because of their comfort and their functionality. You can do your job and feel good while you do it. For many people this is a win-win and not something they would easily give up. The ability to wear something that fits nice and loose, has lots of pockets for lots of things and can keep you cool or warm depending on the scrub uniform you are wearing is very beneficial to many. The scrub has been around for a very long time and with its new found fashion statement they are probably not going anywhere for a long long time to come.

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