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Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking Out a PPI
Sarah Garrod
If you are in the market for a loan or credit card, you need to be aware of payment protection insurance plans. These are often sold to the consumer along with a mortgage, car loan, credit line or card, or other financial products. The purpose of the payment protection plan is to ensure the fulfilment of the loan payments even if the borrower is sick or has an accident resulting in a disability. On the surface, this sounds great. After all, who wouldn t want to keep from defaulting on their loans in the event of something tragic? However, claims advice from professionals often reveals a darker side to these insurance products.
Payment protection insurance, or PPI, is typically exorbitant in price. The borrower pays a very high price for a promise of coverage that may or may not apply to them. For example, if you are self-employed, you cannot make claims on the insurance. The same is true if you are retired. In addition, some illnesses are not covered. If your problem is a result of pregnancy, drugs, or alcohol, you don t qualify. Back pain that prevents working is not considered a valid claim by many insurance companies either. Pre-existing conditions are excluded as well. The insurance company can be contacted for claims advice to determine if a plan is a good fit for you.
If you still think that a payment protection insurance plan is right for you, claims advice from a professional can help guide you through the shopping process. Payment protection insurance does not have to be provided through the loan or credit card company. Insurance businesses sell this product individually. Borrowers can shop around for the best price and provisions on a specific type of plan. Taking control of the situation can save you thousands during the life of the loan.
The FSA, or Financial Services Authority, has rules for payment protection insurance plans. They should be offered, and signed for, separately from the loan product. Single policies should not be sold for unsecured debt. Consumers who have been mis-sold payment protection insurance plans in the past ten years are entitled to reclaiming money from premiums for PPI. Claims advice groups estimate that this reclaim money is in the range of two billion pounds. There are over twenty million PPI policies are in force in the United Kingdom currently. Most households have one, and many are entitled to some of this reclaim money.
Michael Cronin is a claim expert who is currently researching websites that offer payment protection insurance including
claims advice
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