Riots in Île-de-France : 70 arrested after 200 cars burned

Friday, July 15, 2005

About 200 cars were burned by young people on the night of July 13 in Île-de-France, the metropolitan area of Paris. As the police cars arrived, youths began to pelt the vehicles with rocks, firecrackers and bottles. Rioters broke store windows at Argenteuil. Police used flash-balls and smoke grenades. The riots ended with 70 men being arrested. A police officer was wounded by a rocket and was taken to hospital. Shop windows were broken at Argenteuil. It is not the first time vehicles have been attacked on 13-14 July in France.

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Apple executive Steve Jobs resigns

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, has chosen to step down from his post as CEO of the company. The former Chief Operating Officer, Tim Cook will be succeeding Jobs as CEO. Jobs resigned in a letter to Apple’s board of directors stating, “I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s C.E.O., I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.” In that same letter, Jobs stated that his desire was to remain as chairman of the board.

Steve Jobs has been fighting pancreatic cancer since 2004 and has been on medical leave since January of this year. This was Jobs’ third period of medical leave. He briefly made an appearance in March and June to unveil the iPad 2 and the iCloud, an online cloud computing service. In part of his resignation, Jobs left this farewell, “I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.”

Steve will continue to serve Apple with his unique insights, creativity and inspiration

Tim Cook was personally recommended by Jobs to take over as CEO and has been serving as interim CEO since the beginning of Jobs’ medical leave. Before his post at Apple, Cook held positions at IBM and Compaq. He is known for staying out of the spotlight. Due to an operational overhaul by Cook, he is credited with the success of the iPad and MacBook Air. He also stood in Steve Jobs’ place while the CEO underwent liver transplant surgery. He received $59 million for his performance in the position.

A lot of products could have gotten to market earlier, but he wanted it better.

Analyst Charles Golvin predicts that the resignation will not begin to affect Apple performance for 1.5 to 2 years. Many of the new products are already under development and Jobs will continue to steer the company from his position as chairman of the board. Art Levinson, chairman of Genentech and a member of the board, adds, “Steve will continue to serve Apple with his unique insights, creativity and inspiration”. A contrary view is offered by Charles O’Reilly, a management expert at Stanford University, who stated, “Great companies rarely go from strength to strength”. Richard Doherty attributes Steve Jobs’ success as the ability to hold off on a product until it is perfect. He states “A lot of products could have gotten to market earlier, but he wanted it better.”

In light of the revelation, Apple shares (AAPL) slid $19.37 in after hours trading—a drop of over 5%. Since market open, Apple shares rose to $373.72, a drop of only $2.46 since Wednesday’s close.

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Author Amy Scobee recounts abuse as Scientology executive

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wikinews interviewed author Amy Scobee about her book Scientology – Abuse at the Top, and asked her about her experiences working as an executive within the organization. Scobee joined the organization at age 14, and worked at Scientology’s international management headquarters for several years before leaving in 2005. She served as a Scientology executive in multiple high-ranking positions, working out of the international headquarters of Scientology known as “Gold Base”, located in Gilman Hot Springs near Hemet, California.

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Overview Of Abdominal Muscle Anatomy For Gym Goers

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Submitted by: Charles Inniss

In fitness the biggest fascination in fitness is getting a flat stomach or having washboard abs, but in this article I want to talk about the anatomy of the ab muscles.

There are 4 muscles in the anterior (front) abdominal wall. They are the rectus abdominus, the external oblique, the internal oblique and the transversus abdominus.

The rectus abdominus might be the most popular ab muscle because this is the muscle that makes up the 6 pack. The rectus abdominus runs straight down the abdomen and attaches the ribs to the pelvis. It works really hard when you do crunches and sit ups or any other exercise in which your spine bends forward against resistance.

The rectus abdominus is primarily a mover of the spine, but in addition it helps to stabilize the pelvis and lower back.


The external oblique is located on both sides of your waist. This muscle goes diagonally from the back of your lower ribs down to your pelvis. The external obliques on both sides work to help your spine bend forward like in crunches and sit ups, so when you so crunches all of your ab muscles work.

However, if you want to emphasize the obliques you need to incorporate twisting, rotation, or side-bending. When you turn your legs to the side or twist your body at the top part of a sit up or crunch your external oblique muscle will work harder than during a regular crunch.

The internal oblique is located underneath the external oblique. It goes diagonally from the pelvis up to the lower ribs. Just like the external oblique, the internal oblique works during regular crunches, but it is emphasized with twisting or rotation.

The internal obliques are built more for stability since they are deeper and closer to the spine. Isometric side planks are a good exercise for the internal obliques.

The fourth abdominal muscle is the transversus abdominus. Although it is the least popular muscle, many physical therapists think it is the most important muscle.

As the name suggests, the transverse abdominus runs across the abdomen. It is the deepest of all the abdominal muscles, and since it is so close to the spine it is the major abdominal stabilizer of the spine. The transversus abdominus does not move the spine forwards or help it to twist and rotate. The only function of the transversus abdominus is to stabilize the spine and stop it from moving.

Sometimes the transverse abdominus is referred to as your natural girdle because it acts like a girdle to keep your stomach pulled in. It will work during every movement and every ab exercise, but you can emphasize it by pulling your belly button towards your spine.

All of the abdominal muscles have a unique role, and all of them are important. In a fitness program, I suggest that you take an integrated approach and focus on different types of exercises to condition all of the abdominal muscles.

About the Author: Charles Inniss is a physical therapist and personal trainer. Visit his website to learn

the best stomach exercises

and learn

the best tummy flattening exercises.


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Israel buys nuclear capable subs

Friday, August 25, 2006

Israel has purchased two more Dolphin class submarines which have the capacity to carry nuclear warheads. Israel already has three older nuclear weapons-capable Dolphin submarines but the new Dolphins have propulsion systems that allow them to remain submerged for longer periods of time, according to the Jerusalem Post, making it harder for them to be tracked by satellite. Experts view the purchase as a clear signal to Iran that Israel can retaliate if subjected to a nuclear attack.

“The Iranians would be very foolish if they attacked Israel,” said Paul Beaver, a British based defence analyst, speaking to the Washington Post. According to Beaver, the submarines would provide Israel with both first strike and second strike capability.

Israel already has land-based nuclear-capable ballistic missiles in the form of the Jericho I and II missiles.

German officials confirm that the contracts for the new submarines was signed July 6. The Jerusalem Post reports that they will be operational shortly.

Israel has never confirmed nor denied that it has nuclear weapons but is believed to have the world’s sixth largest stockpile of the devices, with most outside estimates putting their stockpile in the low hundreds. Israel’s possession of nuclear arms has often been a locus of bitter controversy in the Middle East, especially among countries who believe that the world community, and especially the United States, is hypocritical in its tolerance of Israeli nuclear arms while decrying the efforts of other Middle Eastern nations to develop their own nuclear capabilities.

Meanwhile, the Jerusalem Post reports there is a growing mood among Israel’s defence establishment that the country will have to act independently to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons as the United States is unlikely to do so.

“America is stuck in Iraq and cannot go after Iran militarily right now,” according to an unnamed official quoted by the paper.

A report by the US House of Representatives’ Intelligence Committee released on Wednesday asserts that if Iran arms itself with nuclear weapons, Israel would be pressed to respond militarily. “A nuclear armed Iran would likely exacerbate regional tensions. Israel would find it hard to live with a nuclear armed Iran and could take military action against Iranian nuclear facilities,” the report states. Iran has continually maintained that it seeks only to develop nuclear technology for the production of electrical power, though this has been disputed by many nations.

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Mass protests prompt Sri Lankan cabinet to resign

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

File:President Gotabaya Rajapaksa official photograph.jpg

On Monday, the Sri Lankan 26-minister cabinet resigned except for President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa as the government faced backlash from the public over the ongoing economic crisis.

Earlier, the President requested all political parties unite to form a national unity government. The proposal was rejected by two political parties, Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) and Janatha Vinukthi Peramuna (JVP) who wanted the president to resign.

After the Cabinet resigned, the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka Ajith Nivard Cabraal also announced his resignation.

The economic crisis drove the government to block imports in March 2020 in an attempt to preserve its foreign exchange reserves. Sri Lanka had only about USD2 billion in reserve as of February, down 70% in the last two years. Sri Lanka needed USD7 billion to finance its USD51 billion debt this year.

In the last few weeks, the country has seen an acute shortage of fuel, particularly diesel, leading to protests and empty fuel stations.

In March, the Sri Lankan inflation rate reached 18.7% and food prices rose by 30.1%. Its currency, the rupee, has lost 30% of its value against the US dollar since it was devalued last month ahead of talks with the International Monetary Fund for a bailout.

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The So Many Health Wonders Of Pycnogenol

The So Many Health Wonders of Pycnogenol


Paul White- Tasman

Pycnogenol is truly an herb that is full of health wonders. For the past couple of years, pycnogenol has been the subject of so many scientific researches all over the world. This maritime bark extract has risen to fame because almost every day, a new Pycnogenol benefit is discovered for the human body. To date, Pycnogenol benefits is innumerable and it s still growing because for so many reasons, this antioxidant has captured the interest of experts and health scientists. For those who have been left in the dark, pycnogenol is a bioflavonoid complex exclusively derived from the bark of the European maritime pine tree (Pinus Maritima). This remarkable tree is typically found in Europe s single largest forest, the LesLandes de Gascogne located in the south-west region of France.

The first health wonder of Pycnogenol is for diabetics. Pycnogenol benefits diabetic patients in so many ways. As a powerful antioxidant, Pycnogenol helps in neutralizing blood sugar levels to relieve the symptoms of diabetes. Diabetic symptoms are produced by extremely high blood sugar levels, including increased thirst, increased urination, excessive eating, loss of weight, poor healing of wounds, and fatigue.

Pycnogenol Pine Bark Extract

also prevents diabetic complications like diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, and heart diseases.


The antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatory ingredients in pycnogenol can help ease chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis and asthma. Studies on pycnogenol revealed that there was a significant improvement in the conditions of patients suffering from osteoarthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and asthma after regularly consuming

Pycnogenol Supplements

. Some experts even suggest that Pycnogenol is more effective in relieving arthritic pain compared to conventional NSAIDs.

In children, Pycnogenol was shown to reduce ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) symptoms. Children who consumed pycnogenol supplements demonstrated improved concentration, attention span, and motor-visual coordination.

Pycnogenol is a natural skin care nutrient. It provides intensive moisture by helping the skin retain water. Intense and continuous moisture help the skin achieve a younger and youthful glow. Pycnogenol keeps the skin supple and makes it more resistant to undesirable skin signs of ageing like wrinkles, dryness, and skin sagging. Skin signs of ageing are the most common issues of ageing women, Pycnogenol for the skin may help them deal with ageing more happily.

As a very powerful antioxidant, Pycnogenol helps maintain cellular health and functions even during old age. It provides cellular protection against free radicals, the by-products of normal metabolism that causes oxidative stress. Oxidative damage to cells is like how rust damages a metal. Free radical damage has been linked with cardiovascular diseases, visual acuity problems, memory loss, and other degenerative diseases. To prevent any of these, antioxidant supplementation like Pycnogenol is recommended.

Visit for details!

Pycnonegol is an antioxidant derived from the bark of the European Maritime Pine tree, which offers a lot of health benefits for the body.

Pycnogenol Benefits

are useful for diabetes, arthritis, ADHD, skin care, and in anti-ageing.Visit for details!

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Many nations offer material aid to hurricane victims; Bush refuses to accept

Saturday, September 3, 2005

Over twenty five nations have offered aid in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. In particular, France has offered the use of its resources in the Caribbean sea, including 2 navy ships, 1 navy hospital, 8 planes, 600 tents, 1000 beds, and rescuers. President George W. Bush has refused such material aid to the hurricane’s victims, although cash donations will be accepted. He explained his reasons to ABC News:

I’m not expecting much from foreign nations because we hadn’t asked for it. I do expect a lot of sympathy and perhaps some will send cash dollars. But this country’s going to rise up and take care of it. You know, we would love help, but we’re going to take care of our own business as well, and there’s no doubt in my mind we’ll succeed. And there’s no doubt in my mind, as I sit here talking to you, that New Orleans is going to rise up again as a great city.

A few of these nations, such as Venezuela and Cuba, are disliked by the administration, but the majority are considered allies of the United States. Venezuela’s Citgo Petroleum Corp. pledged a $1 million donation for hurricane aid. Cuba refused U.S. aid following Hurricane Dennis. In order to reduce the side effects of hurricane Katrina, Japan, Venezuela, and most EU countries offer to provide oil reserves to the U.S.

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Conservationists capture most massive Burmese python in Florida history

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Media reported Wednesday that biologists from the Conservancy of Southwest Florida reported having captured a Burmese python (Python bivittatus) measuring nearly 18 feet (5 m) in length and 215 pounds (97 kg) in weight in the state’s Everglades wetlands.

It may be the largest member of its species ever found outside its natural range in Southeast Asia. Another Burmese python measuring 18 feet and 9 inches (5.7 m) was found in 2020, but it only weighed 104 pounds (47.2 kilograms).

In a search documented by National Geographic, the team captured the current snake in December 2021 by tagging a male “scout snake” named Dionysius with a GPS tracking device and releasing it into the western Everglades.

“How do you find the needle in the haystack? You could use a magnet, and in a similar way our male scout snakes are attracted to the biggest females around,” said wildlife expert Ian Bartoszek, the team’s project manager.

Pythons are an invasive species in Florida. Removing female snakes from the environment before they lay their eggs is the Conservancy’s preferred strategy for limiting python breeding. When the team saw that Dionysius was spending several weeks in one area, they concluded he’d found a sexually mature female and set off to retrieve him.

It took twenty minutes of wrestling and three adult humans to carry the snake to a vehicle, in which it was taken to a laboratory in Naples, Florida and euthanized. Upon necropsy, it was found to contain over 122 healthy but unfertilized egg follicles.

Pythons were introduced to Florida in the 1970s, probably by being sold as pets. While there is a history of individual pet owners illegally releasing exotic animals into the wild after they grow larger than expected, the destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew in 1992 also allowed animals from a serpent center to escape to the Everglades and other habitats, where they reproduced in great numbers.

Since then, they have disrupted the food chain by eating local animals, including endangered animals: the stomach of this snake contained the remains of a white-tailed deer.

The state of Florida considers Burmese pythons a threat to native wildlife and sponsors an annual python hunt with USD2,500 as first prize.

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The Secret Views Of Brussels

Submitted by: Nina Hilgemann

When you go to a Brussels city hotel, whether it s for business or pleasure, one of the little details that can make or break a stay is finding a room with a view. City vistas are always in demand, and a good picture is worth its weight in gold as a memento of your journey. But it s worth exploring a little to find a truly unique picture. Here are a few off-the-beaten-track cityscapes to find in Brussels.

Jubilee Park

Though it s located a little towards the outskirts of the city, Jubilee Park is situated within an easy journey of many a Brussels city hotel. The buildings of the U-shaped complex that dominate the park were commissioned by King Leopold the Second, and built for the 1880 National Exhibition commemorating 50 years of Belgian independence. Housing three museums within the complex one of military history, one of art, and one featuring vintage cars it s a perfect place to rediscover the Brussels culture while searching for a good vantage point. Once you get off the ground, many of the windows and ledges of the upper floors are home to unique city panoramas.


Parking 58

One stunning view can be found not in a hill or tower, but atop Brussels Parking 58. While it might already be a familiar place if you re using a car to get around while staying in a Brussels city hotel, you might not have had time to appreciate the views. Situated in the very centre of the city, 100m from La Monnaie, the 10th and top floor reveals a beautiful 360 degree view of Brussels. You can recognize famous landmarks like the Palace of Justice, the Grand Place Tower, the Atomium and the Basilique. The best part is it stays open until midnight for car-parking convenience and, incidentally, offering a wonderful night-time view.

Mont des Arts

Another place offering spectacular evening views is the esplanade at the end of the Mont des Arts. Arriving on a clear day gives the passer-by a striking view of place d Espagne and the town hall tower but it s most atmospheric on a clear evening with the vibrant colours of the sunset. If you have a spare evening in a Brussels city hotel, a stroll to le Monts des Arts gives a view you can t quite find from a window.

Breughel L Ancien

Although you may think Brussels is mostly flat, it is actually home to a few small hills. An easy way to reach the top from the bottom is by taking the elevator . In the Marolles area near Sablon, within a small square named Breughel L Ancien, there sits an elevator for pedestrians and bicycles which operates until midnight. At the top, the elevator gives a sweeping view of the Basilique, the Atomium, and the entire city centre. As the elevator finishes its ascent, it deposits passengers near the Palace of Justice and shopping area Avenue Louise It s a popular site to relax for a moment when you re on the go, and see if you can spot your own Brussels city hotel.

About the Author: Looking for a

Brussels city hotel

? Nina Hilgemann works in e-marketing and CRM for World Hotels, a company offering the best

Brussels city hotel

accommodation and a selection of unique four and five star hotels around the world.


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