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The Use Of Suites In Health Care Facilities

The Use of Suites in Health Care Facilities


Ray Moughalian

Why call an area a suite? First of all, think of a suite as one big room surrounded by corridor wall construction. Suites only apply to Health Care Occupancies. They do not apply to Ambulatory Health Care or Business Occupancies.


The code allows wall construction within suites to be made of just about anything except combustible construction. Walls don’t even have to be smoke resistive – in fact you don’t have to have walls. Corridor wall requirements do not apply within suites, so use areas can be open to the ‘corridors’ within suites without any special requirements being met (actually you shouldn’t call them corridors when they are in suites – call them halls, circulation routes, or aisles). Since there are no construction requirements (besides combustible construction being prohibited), there are no corridor door requirements and no fire or smoke damper requirements within the suite. Therefore doors can be all glass and have wood frames and have no positive latching Minimum aisle widths do not have to be 8 feet wide, as is required for corridors in new health care construction (4 feet in existing). The minimum aisle width of 44′ applicable for new construction (28′ in existing) still apply, but chances are, you want that much clearance anyway. There are 2 types of suites – patient sleeping room suites and non-patient room suites. Examples of patient sleeping room suites include intensive care units, nurseries, and smaller Behavioral Health departments. Examples of non-patient room suites include Emergency departments, Radiology departments, PT/OT departments, Laboratory departments, office suites, etc. There are different criteria for patient sleeping room suites and non-patient sleeping room suites. The criteria for patient sleeping room suites includes that if the suite is over 1,000 sq. ft. it must have 2 remote access doors and cannot exceed 5,000 sq. ft. Intervening rooms cannot be a hazardous area. On a patient floor this could be a soiled linen room, a trash collection room, or a storage room greater than 50 sq. ft. The travel distance from any point within the suite and the corridor door cannot be more than 100 feet and the travel distance between any point in a room and an exit cannot be more than 100 feet. The criteria for non-patient sleeping room suites includes that if the suite is over 2,500 sq. ft. it must have 2 remote access door and cannot exceed 10,000 sq. ft. Intervening rooms cannot be a hazardous area. On a non-patient floor this could be a storage room, physical plant maintenance shops or other hazardous areas. The suite can have two intervening rooms if the travel distance in the suite to the exit access door is not more than 50 feet. The suite can have one intervening room if the travel distance in the suite is not more than 100 feet. Think of it this way. As soon as you put a door on an interior room you have created an intervening room before you get to a corridor door (referred to as exit access doors). But remember, corridor wall perimeter construction requires that your entrance doors, including automatic doors, be positive latching.

Instantly gain access to your Free Quick Start Guide on Passing Your Hospital’s Life Safety Inspection for Joint Commission Statement of Conditions, Plan For Improvement and Healthcare Construction Projects.

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South African apartheid assassin Eugene de Kock granted parole

Saturday, January 31, 2015

South African Justice Minister Michael Masutha yesterday announced he is granting parole to Eugene de Kock, an apartheid-era assassin who has spent twenty years in prison.

After South Africa’s first democratic elections in 1994 de Kock was arrested and subsequently detailed his actions to the nation’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). As head of a police ‘counter-insurgency’ unit de Kock took responsibility for murdering and torturing dissidents opposed to white-only rule. His methods included bombings, shootings, and stabbings and he operated internationally and at home. His revelations earned him the nickname “Prime Evil”.

The TRC granted de Kock immunity for most crimes in exchange for his testimony. He was charged with remaining offences, not covered due to limits in TRC power, and in 1996 jailed for life for six murders. Additional convictions include kidnap and attempted murder. He received an additional 212-year term for those crimes. The TRC could only grant immunity where the offence was a human rights violation and the offender gave a full confession.

During his TRC testimony de Kock accused police commanders of ordering murders including those of African National Council (ANC) members. In a 2007 prison interview he said FW de Klerk, the last white President, had hands “soaked in blood”. De Klerk denies de Kock’s allegations he ordered individual murders.

It’s mixed feelings, which is something we’ve gotten used to as South Africans

In the early nineties de Kock teamed up with anti-ANC party Inkatha to arrange violence within black communities. Internal conflict killed 12,000 in the wake of future President Nelson Mandela’s release. Mandela wrote of fearing “a hidden hand behind the violence[…] attempting to disrupt the negotiations”, by orchestrating the clashes in Natal and Transvaal. He was referring to upcoming elections and a transfer of power away from white rule and apartheid.

Masutha said de Kock was being released “in the interest of reconciliation and nation building”. The date, location, and terms are to remain secret.

Reaction from his victims is varied.

Murder victim Glenack Mama’s widow Sandra welcomed the release. She said to a BBC reporter “I think it will actually close a chapter in our history because we’ve come a long way and I think his release will just once again help with the reconciliation process because there’s still a lot of things that we need to do as a country”. She said “He got the instructions from the top and they [more senior officials] got away with it[…] they’re amongst us today and one man is taking the fall”.

I pray that those whom he hurt, those from whom he took loved ones, will find the power within them to forgive him

Eddie Makue said to The Associated Press the release stirred up “mixed feelings, which is something we’ve gotten used to as South Africans”. He was a South African Council of Churches employee in 1988 when de Kock bombed their headquarters. Jane Quin said she was “terribly disappointed” and he should never be released. Her sister Jacqui Quin was murdered in Lesotho in 1985 by de Kock.

TRC chairman Archbishop Desmond Tutu said “I pray that those whom he hurt, those from whom he took loved ones, will find the power within them to forgive him.” He said the release would not be universally welcome but is nonetheless “to our collective credit, as people and as a nation.” Tutu called it “an indictment on our government” that apartheid officials who did not co-operate with the TRC had evaded prosecution.

Whilst in prison de Kock has assisted the recovery of his missing victims’ remains. Remorse and his help to the Missing Persons Task Team were cited by Masutha as reasons to release him, which was initially decided against last July. “[H]is key role has been to introduce us to other former security police who can assist with finding others,” said Task Team leader Madeleine Fullard. Fullard said de Kock had also directly assisted in retrieving two bodies. “He certainly feels lives were wasted for no reason”, she added, describing a meeting with him at one ANC victim’s grave. “He seemed to be quite stressed.”

Masutha also announced yesterday the rejection of a parole application by apartheid killer Clive Derby-Lewis, an ex-MP. Derby-Lewis is serving life for murdering popular South African Communist Party leader Chris Hani. Hani also led the ANC’s militant division. His killing in 1993 sparked rioting. Derby-Lewis sought parole because he has lung cancer. Masutha said in rejecting the application that Derby-Lewis was remorseless.

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Apple announces Mac OS X Lion, iOS 5, and iCloud

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

At the company’s own Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) keynote at the Moscone West center in San Francisco, Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced the next generation of software products from Apple. Apple unveiled Lion, the new version of their Mac OS X operating system for desktop and laptop computers that brings new features to the software. They also demonstrated iOS 5, a new version of the operating system that powers iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads. Alongside both announcements, Jobs also announced a new iCloud service to sync data among all devices. All 5,200 participating developers will spend the rest of the week in workshops with Apple employees; developer releases of each product were made available today.

Mac OS X Lion will be shipped in July through the online Mac App Store available on Mac computers for US$29. According to Apple, the update adds over 250 new features to the OS. Employee Phil Schiller discussed new multitouch gestures along with a dynamic task manager named Mission Control that shows open applications. During the keynote, Schiller said, “The Mac has outpaced the PC industry every quarter for five years running and with OS X Lion we plan to keep extending our lead.” It also adds full support for the Mac port of the popular App Store, full screen applications, iOS-style app icon lists called Launchpad, and other iOS-like features including a revamped Mail and Auto Save among others. Mac OS X Lion was announced at a different Apple event several months ago and will replace Mac OS X Snow Leopard, which was released in 2009.

Soon after, the company also introduced the latest installment in its popular mobile operating system iOS. The fifth version (iOS 5) introduces around 200 new features, including a revamped notification system, which combines messages and notifications from all applications installed on the user’s device. Scott Forestall, an Apple employee, also revealed that iOS devices would no longer require a computer for setup, allowing users to ‘cut the cord’ between their devices and PCs. Magazines and newspapers also have a new folder interface; the Twitter social network is now integrated significantly into iOS devices. Improvements to the mobile Safari browser were also announced; tabbed browsing and a Reader feature introduce desktop-like functionality. Finally, new camera features are built in, including the ability to take snapshots from the lock screen, as well as iMessages, a new messaging platform for iPhones and iPads.

We are going to demote the PC to just be a device. We are going to move the digital hub, the center of your digital life, into the cloud.

CEO Steve Jobs returned to the stage to reveal Apple’s new cloud services offering, iCloud. The service integrates with Lion and iOS applications and syncs data between a user’s iOS devices. For example, calendar events created on a user’s laptop would be sent to their iPhone through iCloud. Apps, books, documents, photos, and more purchased or created on one device will be shared with others. The service is intended to launch in the fall of 2011 alongside iOS 5 and will be available with 5 gigabytes (GB) of storage for 10 devices for free. Earlier this year, Apple opened a 500,000 square foot data center in North Carolina intended to facilitate this new service. Jobs rounded the services off by unveiling a new iTunes feature that mirrors a user’s library in the cloud, allowing them to listen and download music to authorized devices. “We are going to demote the PC to just be a device. We are going to move the digital hub, the center of your digital life, into the cloud,” said Steve Jobs during the keynote. iCloud and iOS 5 will be released in the fall of 2011; Apple announced no new hardware products.

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Hungarian state-owned enterprise acquires Hirtenberger Defence Group

Thursday, November 7, 2019

On Monday, Hungarian daily newspaper Magyar Nemzet revealed a deal whereby, on October 29, Hungarian state-owned enterprise HDT Védelmi Ipari Kft. (HDT Limited) acquired Austrian mortar and shell manufacturer Hirtenberger Defence Group. Hirtenberger Defence Group also acknowledged the deal.

In the deal, Austrian, United Kingdom and New Zealand production sites are to be kept, with market sales expected to cover for the price in the long run. A government-guaranteed loan covered the costs, but the exact figure was kept secret.

The November 4 issue of Magyar Nemzet published an interview with Gáspár Maróth, the Hungarian Government commissioner responsible for defence, defence industries and coordinating defence modernization, in which the deal was announced. On the same day, the Hirtenberger Defence Group issued a corresponding press release.

While not naming any other bidders, Maróth said the Hungarian bid won after lengthy negotiations, out of mulitple competing offers. He said he expects no political turmoil between the neighboring Austria and Hungary over the sale. He also noted the acquisition fits into the Hungarian “outward investment” ((hu))Hungarian language: ?t?kekihelyezési strategy of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

The Austrian partner asked for the price to be kept secret, but the commissioner stated the purchase was financed by a loan, so it is not a burden on the state budget. With government resolution No. 1430/2019, the state issued an indemnity bond to cover for HDT’s 38.8 million euro loan, and daily Népszava covered the story with a headline pointing out that amount as the presumed price. The creditor Hungarian Development Bank is state-owned as well. Already-queued orders won’t leave idle capacity for some years, Maróth said, and paying back this loan seems realistic; unnamed industry experts called this dubious to Népszava, as the market is saturated and margins are thin, while noting this kind of equipment is needed by the Defence Forces.

The company structure remains unchanged and all sites continue to operate, but Hungarian engineers are to join the research and development team. Maróth pointed out it would have been much more costly and time-consuming to research mortar technology than to acquire it this way. He noted, “the army modernization does not just cover buying ‘hardware’ but technology transfer as well.” ((hu))Hungarian language: ?a hader? modernizációja a „vas” megvétele mellett a tudástranszferre is kiterjed.

Népszava noted the purchase appeared to circumvent the Ministry of Defence. HDT Limited was registered on August 6, 2019 and is under the aegis of Hungarian National Asset Management, Inc.

To modernize its military, in 2018, Hungary licensed Czech firearm technology and started assembling firearms in Kiskunfélegyháza, then agreed with Airbus to open a helicopter parts factory as a joint venture in Gyula.

US President Trump has called for NATO members to increase military spending. According to a March 14, 2019 NATO press release, Hungary spent an estimated 1.15% of its GDP on military expenditures in 2018; NATO guidelines call for 2%. Maróth noted the military had been “effectively disarmed” ((hu))Hungarian language: ?gyakorlatilag lefegyverzett by 2010, when Viktor Orbán regained the prime ministry of Hungary for his second term. Hungary launched a military development program dubbed “Zrínyi 2026” in 2017 to address structural and financial challenges faced by the Defence Force and to renew its equipment.

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Six Basic Reasons To Use Mortgage Broker

Six Basic Reasons to Use Mortgage Broker



It has been observed that more than a quarter of various mortgages are arranged through professional mortgage brokers. Preservation of credit rating, access to competitive rates, more choice, negotiation, rate promotions are some of the main features or benefits of hiring professional mortgage services.


Apart from these, there are some other basic reasons to use a mortgage broker and such reasons will be discussed in the article. Independent One of the good things about the experts is that they do not work for any single or large lender groups. They work independently for the individuals and assist them to get best rates based services and property. Objective They work with the objective to help the clients in the best possible ways. For this, they provide well-researched and unbiased advice on varied financial options of the clients. Some of the firms are also known to come with the customized solutions to serve the clients as per their choice of products, budget and current financial situation. Adding to it, the firms always offer solutions after analyzing different rates and charges by using mortgage calculators including prepayment analyzer, rent or buy analyzer, mortgage analyzer and much more. Knowledgeable advice Brokers always offer knowledgeable advice to the clients for different service needs like refinance, debt consolidation, Real Estate investments, first time home purchase and so on. Their knowledgeable advice is meant to save precious time and money of the clients from various hassles. Personal attention The firms work on the basis of one-on-one so that specific needs of the clients can be evaluated easily. The personal attention based services helps the clients to get the mortgage plan which is customized in the way to meet their unique requirements. The experts are actually well positioned to provide the answers and help the individuals accordingly. Peace of mind Going t to various lenders, comparing interest rates, analyzing market value of property and many more hassles are there which can make one irritated of mortgage deals. To avoid these problems, individuals acquire assistance of the service experts for peace of mind. The service providers have a code of ethics and they adhere to such ethics in order to fulfill clients mortgage desire without any risk.Easy & convenient The firms are also known to be flexible in nature as they work around a clients schedule to make the transactions, easy, simple and convenient as well. Hence, with these basic reasons to use a mortgage broker

one can remain protected of the mistake of spending a thousands of dollars over a specific mortgage process.

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Five biggest US banks told to raise $74.6 billion; fail “stress tests”

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The five largest United States banks need a total of US$74.6 billion in extra funds to increase their cash reserves, according to so-called “stress tests” conducted by regulators to determine whether the banks have enough capital to survive the ongoing recession.

“Our hope with today’s actions is that banks are going to be able to get back to the business of banking,” said Timothy Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary.

The results of the stress-test determined that Bank of America was the bank most at risk, needing $33.9 billion. Wells Fargo will require an additional $13.7 billion, while GMAC needs $11.5 billion.

Seven other banks failed the “stress test”, including: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Regions Financial, SunTrust Banks, KeyCorp, Fifth Third Bancorp, and PNC Financial Services.

Nine other banks that underwent stress tests, such as Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of New York Mellon, MetLife, American Express, State Street, BB&T, US Bancorp and Capital One Financial, were found to have enough capital in case the recession deepens.

Those banks that need extra money will be set a June 8 deadline to draw up their plans to raise the additional capital and have regulators approve them.

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Wikinews interviews Joe Schriner, Independent U.S. presidential candidate

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Journalist, counselor, painter, and US 2012 Presidential candidate Joe Schriner of Cleveland, Ohio took some time to discuss his campaign with Wikinews in an interview.

Schriner previously ran for president in 2000, 2004, and 2008, but failed to gain much traction in the races. He announced his candidacy for the 2012 race immediately following the 2008 election. Schriner refers to himself as the “Average Joe” candidate, and advocates a pro-life and pro-environmentalist platform. He has been the subject of numerous newspaper articles, and has published public policy papers exploring solutions to American issues.

Wikinews reporter William Saturn? talks with Schriner and discusses his campaign.

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MetLife to acquire Travelers Life and Annuity from Citigroup

Monday, January 31, 2005

Metlife announced on 01/31/05 that they were going to acquire Travelers Life and Annuity from Citigroup. Travelers Life and Annuity is an insurance underwriter. MetLife is a large life insurance and annuities underwriter. MetLife will have to borrow a lot of money to pay for the company, so rating agencies like S&P warn that the AA credit rating of MetLife might be lowered. This would cause the interest rates at which all of MetLife’s debt must be repaid to increase.

Citigroup committed to continue distributing Travelers life insurance and annuities through its Smith Barney stock brokers, Primerica agents, and Citibank branches.

Citigroup was previously known as Travelers Insurance before it bought Citicorp. First the Property and Casualty business of Travelers was spun off, and now the life insurance division has been sold off. This is primarily because insurance underwriters get a lower price to earnings multiple from the stock market because of the cycles and uncertainty associated with the insurance business. Also, having an insurance underwriter and a bank together does not usually create “cross-sell” opportunities, because consumers and businesses almost always buy life insurance and annuities through brokers who have a duty to give them other options. Citigroup will continue to sell insurance through its brokers as before.

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Royal Canin Vs Pedigree Vs Drools Vs Acana Vs Jerhigh

As a dog owner all, we want to feed the best food to our dogs. When it comes to our dog health we ensure to give him high-quality dog food for its better growth and development.

let’s compare these dog food i.e Royal Canin, Pedigree, Drools, Acana, Jerhigh

1) Royal Canin: Royal Canin Adult Dog Foodis a global leader in pet health nutrition. The company, which makes all their food in the U.S. And Canada, has been a trusted brand for more than 40 years.

Better than Drools and Pedigree.

Major ingredients: Rice, Poultry Proteins which are gotten from clean butchered meat

Pros:High-quality Ingredients, Age-specific Formulas.

Cons: Grains, Vegetable proteins

2) Pedigree: Since 1934 It is a subsidiary of Mars Ltd. This leading brand managed to satisfy thousands of customers in every country

I would not recommend you to buy Pedigree Dog food as it is full of trash.

Main Ingredients: Corn, gluten meal, chicken or meat by-products, meat and bone meal.

Pros: very cheap

Cons: Corn and gluten are cheap ingredients and many dogs are allergic to it and by-products and gluten are leftover of carcass i.e eyes, bones, feet, nails, beaks and feathers of the animal.

3) Drools:It is delivered under the IB Group umbrella, the main ISO confirmed protein business drove aggregate in Central India.

Superior to Pedigree.

Principle fixings: Fresh Meat which is a decent wellspring of protein, however, it is diminished to 1/4 measure subsequent to cooking. The rest are grains, Byproducts, and raw meat.Which is less absorbable and even unfavorably susceptible

Pros: Fresh Meat

Cons: Using of byproducts, raw meat.

4) Acana: Dogfoodcreated in Canada and US is known for High-quality protein sources. This brand of dog food is available for Puppy, Small Breeds, Adult dogs.

Pros: Best a per nutrition

Cons: Not easily available

Main ingredients: Main Ingredient is Salmon