How To Keep Your Family Safe From The Most Common Types Of Food Poison

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By Greg Garner

Food poisoning is one of the most common types of poisoning affecting thousands of people every year worldwide. Ironically, in most cases, it can be avoided by following a few basic rules that everyone can develop as second nature. Taking some of these steps will greatly reduce the chances of food poisoning ever happening to you or your family.

Wash cooking and eating utensils carefully. Today’s modern dishwashers have sterilization cycles that should be utilized, however, even without a dishwasher; most cooking and eating utensils can be made safe.

Wash food and hands before and after preparing them. The majority of bacteria are brought home from the grocery store. Washing food before preparing it will greatly reduce any chance of ingesting something that is bad for you.

Discard any food that you will not ingest within 24 hours. Always keep leftovers in a container or wrap in the refrigerator and make sure the refrigerator is set cool enough to keep foods fresh. A temperature of 38 to 44 degrees is advised.


Always cook meat and eggs thoroughly. Keeping a food thermometer on hand is a good way to prevent undercooking and keep your family safe. As a basic rule, cook meat to an internal temperature of 160 degrees, 180 for poultry.

Food to Food

Cross contamination is one way in which food spreads disease and bacteria. One mistake to watch for is putting cooked food onto contaminated surfaces. If you carry raw meat out to the grill on a plate, do not put the cooked meat back onto the same plate to carry back inside. Do not handle one type of food and then another without washing hands and surfaces. Keep food separated, including cooked food. A bacterium grows fast at room temperature so refrigerate leftovers as soon as possible. A good rule of thumb is if it has been left out for four hours-toss it.

Observe and Report

People do their part in catching bad food sources before epidemics occur. The majority of food related illness is reported. Without your help, others can get sick. If you become ill and suspect it is a food borne illness, report it so that the health department can trace the problem back to its source. It is unfortunate, but children, the elderly, and pregnant women are more susceptible to bacterium. Keep each other safe by washing your hands frequently.

First Aid

If you or someone you know becomes sick and you suspect food poisoning as the possible culprit, do not panic. In most cases, the symptoms will pass in 24 to 48 hours. It is usually four hours before the onset of sickness. Diarrhea with dehydration, low-grade fever, and nausea are the top three symptoms. Follow this advice if you become ill.

Diarrhea can be treated with over the counter medication if you are not on a diuretic. If you are on a diuretic or for children, consult your family physician before treatment.

Avoid solid food if you have diarrhea, as it will only make matters worse. Drink plenty of liquids, preferably with electrolytes to avoid dehydration.

When a person has diarrhea, they become temporarily lactose intolerant so avoid milk. Caffeine only adds to dehydration. If stool is black or maroon, this indicates there is blood in your stool, contact your physician, or go to the emergency room.

If you became sick from shellfish or mushrooms, go to the emergency room. It could be a toxin or botulism and must be treated immediately.

Critical Symptoms

If you have any other symptoms besides the ones described above, including a fever of 101 degrees or higher, arthritic type pain, or a racing heartbeat, go to the emergency room or call 911. These symptoms usually indicate a much worse case of food poisoning and will need to be carefully monitored.

About the Author: For more information please visit our

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Maker Faire 2009 wraps up in San Mateo, California

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The fourth annual Maker Faire took place this past weekend at the San Mateo Fairground in San Mateo, California located in the United States. The first Maker Faire, which took place in 2006, had approximately 20,000 people in attendance. This year, more than 80,000 people were expected to attend; quadruple the attendance of just four years prior. On Saturday night, it was reported that attendance was up considerably over last year’s event.

Maker Faire, the self-declared “World’s Largest DIY Festival”, offers a forum where hundreds of makers and crafters alike man booths where they display their work. In the main halls alone, there were hundreds of booths. Outside the expo halls, the surrounding area was also filled with many interesting projects, some of which were mobile. In addition to all of the projects on display, there were a number of on-stage presentations. The biggest presentation of the weekend was given by Adam Savage who spoke on the topic of his “Colossal Failures”. During his talk, the Fiesta Hall was filled to capacity.

The theme for this year’s fair was “Remake: America” after President Obama‘s call to “begin again the work of remaking America”. In addition, “going green”, alternative fuel vehicles, crafting, steampunk and sciences for the young, were common themes found throughout the fair.

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Eight men and several Spinka charities charged with tax fraud in Los Angeles

Monday, December 24, 2007

Eight men and five Brookyln-based Spinka charitable organizations have been charged with tax fraud and money laundering. Six have been arrested, and two are still at large.

The men charged are Naftali Tzi Weisz, 59, a Grand Rabbi from Brooklyn; Gabbai Moseh E. Zigelman, 60, also from Brooklyn and Weisz’ assistant; Yaacov Zeivald, 43, of Valley Village; Yosef Nachum Naiman, 55, of Los Angeles; Alan Jay Friedman, 43, of Los Angeles; Joseph Roth, 66, an international accounts manager at a bank in Israel from Tel Aviv; diamond merchant Moshe Arie Lazar, 60; and Jacob Ivan Kantor, 71, an attorney from Tel Aviv. The first six were arrested last Wednesday, and four of them have been released on bail. The FBI believes Lazar to be in Israel. Kantor is also believed to be in Israel according to other reports.

The charitable organizations named as defendants in the charges are Yeshiva Imrei Yosef, Yeshivath Spinka, Central Rabbinical Seminary, Machne Sva Rotzohn, and Mesivta Imrei Yosef Spinka. The FBI alleges that these charities issued fraudulent receipts for bogus charitable contributions and were the beneficiaries of fees charged for transfers of funds as part of a money laundering conspiracy.

By a 37-count grand jury indictment that was unsealed on Wednesday morning, Weisz and Zigelman are charged with one count of conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue Service and other crimes, 19 counts of mail fraud, one money laundering conspiracy count, 11 counts of international money laundering, and one count of operating an illegal money remitting business. Zigelman is in addition charged with two counts of aiding in the preparation of fraudulent income tax returns. Zeivald, Lazar, Naiman, and Friedman are charged in the main conspiracy count and with operating an illegal money remitting business. Zeivald is in addition charged with one count of mail fraud. Roth is charged in both conspiracy counts; several mail fraud counts; and several international money laundering counts. Kantor is charged in both of the conspiracy counts and several international money laundering counts.

The charges laid are that over a period of 10 years the conspirators solicited USD8.7 million in contributions to these charitable organizations, promising to secretly refund to the donors up to 95%, allowing the donors to claim the full amounts of the donations as tax deductions on their federal income tax returns. According to the FBI, this was done in two ways: Some donors received cash payments through an underground money transfer network involving Zeivald, Naiman, Friedman, and Lazar, some of whom operated businesses in and around the Los Angeles jewelry district. Other donors were reimbursed via loans made from the United States branch of an Israeli bank, organized by Roth and Kantor and secured on funds secretly held in that bank in Israel, to which the donations had been sent via wire transfer.

Several of the Brooklyn charitable organizations are schools. One such is Yeshiva Imrei Yosef, a private Orthodox Jewish school for boys in grades PK–12 with 312 students, which is one of 5000 such organizations approved for charitable donations by the Jewish Community Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco. The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles draws a parallel between these charges and the creation of bogus schools in the case of New Square, quoting Jonathan Sarna, a professor of American Jewish history at Brandeis University, as saying “I think that in Eastern Europe, especially where corruption was rampant, it was very common for Jews to engage in, shall we say, ‘extra-legal activities’ when they believed they were doing so not for their personal gain but for the good of the community or for some higher purpose.”

His observation is that defrauding a corrupt government is part of the culture that has sometimes been carried in to the United States, and that people justify it when they believe that the money is going towards Jewish education. “I think the idea is that Jewish education is so important and so expensive and the folks say to themselves, ‘we’re forced to pay for public education which we don’t use’, and they manage to sometimes justify in their own minds these kinds of activities that are for the sake of a holy end.”

Sarna states that violating the law is not condoned by Jewish communities in the U.S., a sentiment that has been echoed in reactions from the Los Angeles Jewish community, such as that by Rabbi Meyer H. May, president of the Rabbinical Council of California: “One thing is clear: The Orthodox community deplores any attempt to defraud the government of the United States, and there is no excuse for it, and there’s no rationalizations that are acceptable. […] It’s against the Torah and it’s against our moral foundation. At the same time, regarding these specific individuals, they should be allowed to have a fair trial, as everyone is innocent until proven guilty.”

The FBI’s press release contains a similar reminder of the presumption of innocence.

Calls by the New York Times were unable to obtain any comments on the case from the defendants.

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Asbestos controversy aboard Scientology ship Freewinds

Friday, May 16, 2008

Controversy has arisen over the reported presence of blue asbestos on the MV Freewinds, a cruise ship owned by the Church of Scientology. According to the Saint Martin newspaper The Daily Herald and the shipping news journal Lloyd’s List, the Freewinds was sealed in April and local public health officials on the Caribbean island of Curaçao where the ship is docked began an investigation into the presence of asbestos dust on the ship. Former Scientologist Lawrence Woodcraft supervised work on the ship in 1987, and attested to the presence of blue asbestos on the Freewinds in an affidavit posted to the Internet in 2001. Woodcraft, a licensed architect by profession, gave a statement to Wikinews and commented on the recent events.

According to The Daily Herald, the Freewinds was in the process of being renovated by the Curaçao Drydock Company. The article states that samples taken from paneling in the ship were sent to the Netherlands, where an analysis revealed that they “contained significant levels of blue asbestos”. An employee of the Curaçao Drydock Company told Radar Online in an April 30 article that the Freewinds has been docked and sealed, and confirmed that an article about asbestos ran in the local paper.

Lloyd’s List reported that work on the interior of the Freewinds was suspended on April 27 after health inspectors found traces of blue asbestos on the ship. According to Lloyd’s List, Frank Esser, Curaçao Drydock Company’s interim director, joined Curaçao’s head of the department of labor affairs Christiene van der Biezen along with the head of the local health department Tico Ras and two inspectors in an April 25 inspection of the ship. “We are sending someone so that they can tell us what happened, where it came from, since when it has been there,” said Panama Maritime Authority’s director of merchant marine Alfonso Castillero in a statement to Lloyd’s List.

The Church of Scientology purchased the ship, then known as the Bohème, in 1987, through an organization called Flag Ship Trust. After being renovated and refitted, it was put into service in June 1988. The ship is used by the Church of Scientology for advanced Scientology training in “Operating Thetan” levels, as well as for spiritual retreats for its members. Curaçao has been the ship’s homeport since it was purchased by the Church of Scientology.

According to his 2001 statement, Lawrence Woodcraft had been an architect in London, England since 1975, and joined Scientology’s elite “Sea Organization” (Sea Org) in 1986. He wrote that he was asked by the Sea Org to work on the Freewinds in 1987, and during his work on the ship “noticed a powdery blue fibrous substance approximately 1 ½” thick between the paint and the steel wall,” which he believed to be asbestos. He also discovered what he thought was blue asbestos in other parts of the ship, and reported his findings to Church of Scientology executives. Woodcraft discussed his experiences in a 2001 interview published online by the Lisa McPherson Trust, a now-defunct organization which was critical of the Church of Scientology.

The Freewinds regularly inspects the air quality on board and always meets or exceeds US standards.

Church of Scientology spokeswoman Karin Pouw responded to Radar Online about the asbestos reports, in an email published in an article in Radar on May 1. “The Freewinds regularly inspects the air quality on board and always meets or exceeds US standards,” said Pouw. She stated that two inspections performed in April “confirmed that the air quality is safe,” and asserted that the inspections revealed the Freewinds satisfies standards set by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the U.S. Clean Air Act.

Pouw told Radar that “The Freewinds will be completing its refit on schedule.” The Church of Scientology-affiliated organization Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) had been planning a cruise aboard the Freewinds scheduled for May 8, but according to Radar an individual who called the booking number for the cruise received a message that the cruise had been delayed due to ongoing work on the ship. Citing an article in the Netherlands Antilles newspaper Amigoe, Radar reported on May 6 that a team from the United States and supervised by an independent bureau from the Netherlands traveled to Curaçao in order to remove asbestos from the Freewinds.

…if the Church of Scientology claims to have removed the blue asbestos, I just don’t see how, it’s everywhere. You would first have to remove all the pipes, plumbing, a/c ducts, electrical wiring etc. etc. just a maze of stuff.

“I stand by everything I wrote in my 2001 affidavit,” said Lawrence Woodcraft in an exclusive statement given to Wikinews. Woodcraft went on to state: “I would also comment that if the Church of Scientology claims to have removed the blue asbestos, I just don’t see how, it’s everywhere. You would first have to remove all the pipes, plumbing, a/c ducts, electrical wiring etc. etc. just a maze of stuff. Also panelling as well, basically strip the ship back to a steel hull. Also blue asbestos is sprayed onto the outer walls and then covered in paint. It’s in every nook and cranny.”

Many Scientologist celebrities have spent time aboard the Freewinds, including Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Chick Corea, Lisa Marie Presley, Catherine Bell, Kate Ceberano, and Juliette Lewis. Now magazine reported that Tom Cruise has been urged to seek medical attention regarding potential asbestos exposure, however a representative for Cruise stated he has “absolutely no knowledge” of the recent asbestos controversy. Cruise, Holmes, Travolta and Preston have celebrated birthdays and other events on the Freewinds.

There is not now and never has been a situation of asbestos exposure on the Freewinds.

In a May 15 statement to the United Kingdom daily newspaper Metro, a representative for the Church of Scientology said that “There is not now and never has been a situation of asbestos exposure on the Freewinds.” The Asbestos and Mesothelioma Center notes that agencies have recommended anyone who has spent time on the Freewinds consult with their physician to determine if possible asbestos exposure may have affected their health.

Raw blue asbestos is the most hazardous form of asbestos, and has been banned in the United Kingdom since 1970. Blue asbestos fibers are very narrow and thus easily inhaled, and are a major cause of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which can develop in the lining of the lungs and chest cavity, the lining of the abdominal cavity, or the pericardium sac surrounding the heart. The cancer is incurable, and can manifest over 40 years after the initial exposure to asbestos.

“This is the most dangerous type of asbestos because the fibres are smaller than the white asbestos and can penetrate the lung more easily,” said toxicologist Dr. Chris Coggins in a statement published in OK! Magazine. Dr. Coggins went on to note that “Once diagnosed with mesothelioma, the victim has six months to a year to live. It gradually reduces lung function until the victim is no longer able to breathe and dies.”

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How To Find The Best Hair Color Experts


Making the decision to change or enhance hair color can be very overwhelming. It is important to consult with an expert before making a final decision. A hair colorist expert can provide excellent advice that can save customers quite a bit of time, frustration, and money. It can be very helpful to make a list of questions and concerns before making an initial appointment. A certified hair colorist will have the skills needed to provide the desired look. An expert can offer advice about fade resistant color and how to keep the hair looking beautiful in between appointments.

It is vital for clients and customers to avoid doing an initial color change at home. It is possible to save quite a bit of time and money by allowing the experts to work their magic. They have the training needed to make the best possible hair color choices. They can guide customers toward making realistic choices and help to avoid permanent damage to the hair follicles. Working with experts will provide peace of mind and ensure that the desired color is reached. It may take time and a few appointments to reach the desired results. It is important to be patient and do what it takes to keep the hair healthy and strong during the coloring process.

When choosing from several different Beauty Salons, it can be helpful to search for color experts. Take the time to view the website and look for trained and certified colorists. This will increase the chances of working with an expert who can ensure the best results. An initial consultation will help prepare clients for what to expect during the coloring process. A professional color expert will be able to provide advice about how to keep the hair looking great in between coloring appointments.

Have fun and enjoy the opportunity to work with a color expert at professional Beauty Salons. They can provide insight on what will enhance the face and colors that will keep clients looking their best. It is a great chance to try new looks and find the perfect style and color to match each personality. Now is the perfect time to consult with Tangles Salon. You can also follow them on Instagram for more information.

Indonesian parliament approves privatising of three major state firms

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The parliament of Indonesia has approved government plans to make an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of shares in three major state-owned firms, privatising them. They are steelmaker Krakatau Steel, Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) and national flag carrier Garuda Indonesia.

The parliament has left the process fully in the hands of the government, and has set the maximum stake to be sold at 30% for BTN and Krakatau, and 40% for Garuda. Although Indonesia has been known to fund budget deficits with privatisation, the intention is for the funds from this scheme to go to the businesses themselves to allow expansion.

Krakatau expects 3.2 trillion Rupiah (IDR) from the sale, while the estimated price for their stock is between IDR3 and IDR4 trillion (321 – 428 million USD). Both ArcelorMittal SA, the biggest steelmaker in the world, and BlueScope Steel Ltd, the largest in Australia, have expressed an interest in the IPO. Krakatau will use the funds to help finance an expansion scheme which aims to have production doubled to five million tonnes in 2011.

BTN, which focuses on home owner loans, has set itself a target income of IDR36.12 trillion (3.86 billion USD) in 2010 compared to a projected IDR22.9 trillion ( 2.45 billion USD) this year. Net profit for this year is projected at IDR472 billion (50.5 million USD)and is hoped to rise to IDR1.39 trillion (148.7 million USD) in 2010. The bank’s loan to deposit ratio is predicted to rise from 105.05% this year to 144.93% in 2012. BTN hopes to conduct its IPO before the end of 2008.

Is the Indonesian government right to keep majority holdings?
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Garuda is not quite 100% state-owned to start with, unlike the other two, but is very close with 95.44% of the company belonging to the government. Like all of Indonesia’s 51 airlines, Garuda is on the list of air carriers banned in the EU due to safety concerns raised after a string of air accidents in the nation. Garuda expects to raise IDR4.2 trillion (449.4 million USD) in funds from the IPO, and will use IDR2.5 trillion (267.5 million USD) to pay off its debts and invest IDR1.7 trillion (181.9 million USD) in new aircraft.

The government is still working to get a deal to make IPOs for architectural firm Yodya Karya and three plantation firms called Perkebunan Nusantara III, IV and VII.

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Technological University Dublin senior lecturer Dr Lorcan Sirr speaks to Wikinews on housing market in Ireland

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Wikinews correspondent J.J. Liu spoke with Technological University Dublin (TUD) senior lecturer at the School of Surveying & Construction Management, Dr Lorcan Sirr on Friday regarding the supply of housing in the Republic of Ireland and relevant parallels across the rest of Europe, as well as recent developments by the government and private sector that are causing a rise in rents and home prices in the Irish real estate market.

Dr Sirr is a regular contributor to The Irish Times and has provided commentary to Irish radio station Newstalk, national broadcaster Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ) and various other publications. In addition to being a chartered planning and development surveyor and assessor to the Society of Chartered Surveyors, Dr Sirr is a Peace Commissioner and former external examiner for the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, according to his profile on Worky.

Dr Sirr was a lecturer and former head of research for the Faculty of the Built Environment at the Dublin Institute of Technology, which entered a merger with two partner institutes to become TUD January 1, 2019. He received his bachelor’s degree in estate management at the University of Greenwich, United Kingdom, and master’s degree in urban design and PhD in town planning at the University of Manchester. He has a second master’s in literature from KU Leuven, Belgium, and speaks French.

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Attractive And Comfortable Scrubs For Men As Medical Uniform}

Submitted by: Operation Scrub

During the revolution of human society, dress played a vital role as I think. At first, it was just to protect our body from the unstable environment and then we added some flavor of designs to it and the trend of designer costumes began. However, as our topic here is scrubs for men, weve focused basically on the transmutation in medical wears. Even 40 or 50 years ago it was not much vital as people didnt have enough faith on hospitals till then and they used to visit their local doctors for their treatment.

But, you may remember that on those days doctors used to wear with starched coats as their uniform and gradually it become the globally accepted doctors uniform. Even few years ago the trend was unaffected until some hospitals designed the scrubs for men. It is a purely cotton made stylish and of course comfortable dress with two parts top and pajamas. The scrubs for men are basically designed for the medical professionals for better comfort during the working hours.

The costume is specially designed baggy to offer enough air circulation in the body that is very important to offer enough comfort. At the same time the cotton cloth soaks the perspiration of our body and provides a gentle feeling even in high temperature regions. On the other hand, if your hospital is located at any cold atmosphere county, you still can feel comfortable with the scrubs for men as cotton it best for every climate.


Another point that we should not miss here is the fabric content printed on scrubs for men. Art is refreshing for every person; regardless of the community, language or profession. It has enough ability to change our mental state instantly. Thats why garment companies print innovative and attractive designs of fabric on scrubs for men. It gives us instant refreshment and helps to forget every stress within a moment.

It is used more intelligently in the childrens hospitals. You can see the nurses with attractive bright images of flowers, butterflies, fruits etc on their dresses as it attracts children. These designs made on women scrubs helps the nurses to get immediate control on the children came for treatment.

However, its very amazing that scrubs for men very soon grabbed the market and spread in the market as casual wears for common people. People have appreciated the quality of the dress and are using vastly as casual wear. Even women are purchasing women scrubs for home use and other purposes. They are using these for shopping, attending social parties and even as sleeping wears.

I have talked to several women and all said that they liked the comfort and care-free nature of this dress too much. Here I must mention that the cheap cost of the dress also is a vital matter that attracts the women to purchase the women scrubs. There are several online shopping portals that offer scrubs for men at huge discount on different seasons.

But, the persons with uncommon health feel frustrated as hardly any company designs scrubs for men of such sizes. I suggest them to find brands that offer custom made costumes and order to design tailored scrubs for men for you. It might be little costly, but will be best for you from every angle.

About the Author: The author of this article is a consultant designer with several years of experience in designing scrubs for men and women scrubs. He is also an online trainer of garment designing. For more information please visit


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Cretaceous baby snake fossil found in Myanmar

Saturday, July 21, 2018

A team of researchers from China, Canada, the United States, and Australia published on Wednesday their discovery of an early fossilized baby snake, reportedly the oldest ever found, in a piece of amber in the middle of a sandstone deposit in Myanmar. The findings appeared in the journal Science Advances.

The specimen, a piece of amber, was found in a sandstone deposit by fossil hunters who contacted scientists in 2016, and later donated it to the Dexu Institute of Paleontology in Chaozhou, China, where scientists were able to examine it closely. The snake skeleton itself, though missing a head, is about 1.9 inches long (47.5 mm). The scientists said a scrap of skin also found suggests another snake, and bits of plant and insect matter indicate the area may have been forest at the time the snake was preserved. They dated the fossil to the Cretaceous period, roughly 99 million years ago, the same period as Tyrannosaurus rex, Triceratops, and early mammals, sharks, and flowering plants. The specimen represents a previously undiscovered species, which the scientists named Xiaophis myanmarensis, or “dawn-snake of Myanmar.”

Co-author Michael Caldwell of the University of Alberta noted, “It’s spectacular to have a baby snake in the fossil record because, of course, they’d be such tiny, delicate things.” The researchers concluded it was in fact a snake and not a mere legless lizard by studying the vertebrae, which were found with their ribs intact, in each part of the snake’s body.

The findings, said scientists, indicate fauna from the prehistoric megacontinent Gondwanaland migrated to Laurasia. This is also the earliest snake to be found in a forest environment, suggesting that snakes had become reasonably biodiverse by the Cretaceous.

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Teen broadcasts suicide online

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Pembroke Pines, Florida teenager killed himself Wednesday, November 19, while broadcasting on the live video site After making suicide threats and being encouraged by viewers and forum members, Abraham K. Biggs, 19, committed suicide by taking an overdose of opiates and benzodiazepine, which had been prescribed for his bipolar disorder.

Biggs first began blogging about his planned suicide 12 hours before the actual event. He died after taking pills and lying on the bed in front of the webcam. After the broadcast, viewers who apparently thought it was a hoax posted messages such as “OMG”, “LOL”, and “hahahah”.

Hours later, after being alerted by viewers who had noticed that Biggs had stopped breathing, law enforcement and paramedics arrived, discovered his body, and covered the camera. The Broward County Medical Examiner’s Office has reportedly confirmed Biggs’ death.

According to Montana Miller of the Bowling Green State University, the circumstances of this case were not shocking: “If it’s not recorded or documented, then it doesn’t even seem worthwhile. For today’s generation it might seem, ‘What’s the point of doing it if everyone isn’t going to see it?'”

Biggs’ sister Rosalind was angry that neither the website nor its viewers reacted soon enough to save him. “They got hits, they got viewers, nothing happened for hours,” she said. She described him as “very happy” and “friendly and outgoing.” “On a normal day, you couldn’t really tell that he got as low as he did.” However, he did have relationship problems with his girlfriend, according to a friend.

Mental health professionals have warned about the possibility that other mentally troubled people would copy his actions. According to Dr. David Shaffer of Columbia University, “Any video showing it as heroic or romantic or glamorous could reduce the anxiety people might feel about suicide. It becomes a respectable behavior and lowers the threshold of suicide.” He and other psychiatrists recommend that potentially suicidal teens talk to others and “tell what’s going on.”

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