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Partner’s snoring
Ray James
It can be irritating and frustrating when a partner snores, either in a high or low tone. Both partners can have trouble sleeping. Snoring is becoming a major health issue today. However with proper diagnosis and treatments you can help for partner to stop snoring and put a stop to the disruptive noise and get you and your partner get a good night’s sleep.
The following are several causes of snoring:Causes of snoringCauses of snoringExposure to smoke can cause snoring, restricting and irritating the respiratory tissues and causing difficult breathing. People can also inherit the problem of snoring by hereditary. You inherit narrow passage which causes snoring. Anything that makes the muscles relax and promotes drowsiness like the alcohol which narrows the air passage and restricts the air to flow easily which encourages snoring.Various behaviors can make snoring better or worse. Sleeping on the back can cause snoring as the pharynx which is a muscular tube relaxes while sleeping. This cause narrowing of the airways which cause snoring. Smoking irritates the respiratory system and exposure to the second hand smoke relaxes the muscles, which can cause the problem of snoring. People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from snoring problems, as they have more fatty tissues in their neck, leading to vibrations of the loose tissue. Certain lifestyle factors can make snoring worse. Obesity and lack of fitness lead to snoring difficulties since it leads to more fatty tissue in the throat that can vibrate with breathing blockage.* Reducing weight will reduce the fatty tissue presented at the back of your throat. Improving your fitness level will also help you to cure snoring. * Proper diet plays is essential in treating snoring problems. Eating nutritious food and avoiding high calorie foods will help. * Elevating the head of your bed. This prevents the tongue from sliding backwards and helps breathing. This supports your jaw and tongue to move forwards ending blocked airways. * Homeopathic medicines and nasal strips are available to help you to clear nasal congestion, helping you cure snoring by helping free passage of air. * Ending a habit of sleeping on your back will help your snoring. Sleeping on your back makes your tongue to move backwards and block breathing. You should get in the habit of sleeping on your side. * Product such as dental appliances will help cure snoring. These devices are designed by a dentist specializing in the devices that will cure snoring.
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