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By Meg Sweet
Timeframe:Oct 30, 2009 – Apr 7, 2010 and July 22, 2010 – Oct 5, 2012
The astrological sign of Saturn will be journeying through the Air sign of Libra during the above timeframes. Astrology has a traditional system of classifying how planets operate within each sign, and Saturn in Libra is said to be in an ‘exalted’ position, or coming from the highest possible expression.
Representing, among other things, the practicalities and responsibilities of life on the physical plane, and whether or not we care to be conscious of the movements of Saturn or not, we are clearly drawn to, and influenced by those areas of life which Saturn addresses as it transits through a specific sign.
The transit of Saturn through Libra will bring our collective attention to the following arenas:
The relationship oriented sign of Libra, ruled by Venus, has as strong desire to establish balance, harmony, respect, fairness, peace and cooperation within all relationships. Libra believes in expressing high principles and integrity in relationships and seeks to bring people together to welcome them to be in relationship and celebrate life. This socially outgoing sign places a high value on marriage, partnership and collaborative efforts between parties.
Personal attributes associated with this sign include charm and grace, a love of beauty and the arts, refinement and a good eye for fashion and design, intellectual and artistic expression and an intricate awareness of the subtleties at work in human relationships.
Individual Relationships
By the nature of Saturn in the relationship oriented sign, we will be drawn to investigate our relationships up close and personal to determine where the relationship is at and where we’re going with it. For those not involved in a committed relationship and who want to be, you’ll likely feel the pull to step up your search for a partner.
With regard to personal relationships and partnership, Saturn in Libra asks the following questions of us:
1) What is our understanding & experience with intimate relationships
2) How are we operating within our current relationships 3) What is our responsibility toward others in our relationships 4) What do we expect of others and want them to do for us 5) How can we improve our relationships 6) Is there an opportunity for growth in our current relationships
Relationship to Society
Saturn in Libra reflects a keen interest in moral obligation, social responsibility, the study of and implementation of justice, with particular interest in the relationship between individuals to their society and vice-versa. This combination suggests that there should be a mutual responsibility between the individual contributing in some way toward strengthening and supporting those elements of society which he/she has an affinity with and in return, society should also respect, honor and protect individual rights.
Saturn in Libra brings us to the realization that to accomplish anything of lasting value, cooperation between humans is necessary and, if we are to commit to building relationship and community, we must also build in trust, respect and a willingness to accept diversity.
This combination is well suited to the formulation of legal contracts, agreements and the writing and implementing of new laws which are in part focused on offering and protecting the needs and the rights of the individual.
Intellectual and Creative Expression
Saturn in Libra energies help to strengthen and expand our intellectual abilities so that we can creatively express and articulate our thoughts, which is why this combination is well suited to the pursuit of studying and learning. Saturn and Libra energies work together to promote objectivity, receptivity and order in our thinking process, as well as balance, diplomacy and a splash of artistic flair and savvy. This makes for excellent timing to write that first play, take on your first public relations client, facilitate a group on relationships or get your first blog or website up and running.
The sign of Libra supports the idea of the sharing of information, knowledge, resources, wisdom and hands-on expertise, which is why many individuals with a strong Libra influence, make such good advisors, mediators, counselors, coaches and mentors. This is a beneficial time to commit to a course of study, training or mentoring preferably in a one-on-one situation or within a small group.
A great way to approach the transits of Saturn throughout each sign is to ask ourselves how we can make Saturn work to our benefit. To do this, we need to become informed about the specific areas which are addressed by the transit.
As an example, Saturn in Libra, in reference to intellectual capabilities and creative expression, lends itself to optimizing and strengthening our mind power. There are so many ways in which we can use our mind power.
When we teach the mind to be quiet and turn within, we can meditate, a practice which helps us feel mentally recharged, deeply rested, centered within ourselves and spiritually connected.
When we want to learn something new mentally, or pursue a course of study, we can focus the mind and use the patience, objectivity and intelligence associated with this placement to apply ourselves to the task at hand.
When we’ve learned how to focus our thoughts, we can practice intention. By holding steady and consistent energy in a specific group of thoughts, with a deliberate intention in mind, we can create an intense laser beam of focus. This practice can bring about powerful results.
If we want to learn about creative visualization, we can use the power of our imagination to create images or movies. Since we are directing our own movie, we can select which images and experiences we want in there and select the feelings we also want to experience. This gives a powerful message to the subconscious and is a good practice to use for attracting what we desire.
The sign of Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, Patroness of the Arts, so creative expression and an interest in the Arts is also stimulated and supported by this transit.
About the Author: Relationship compatibility is a powerful aspect of Astrology. You can order a relationship compatibility reading or a Relationship Report which is emailed to you via PDF. See the Relationship Report sample for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at http://www.margaretsweet.com
Source: isnare.com
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