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Submitted by: Salim Jordan
New Year’s Day is a time for rejuvenation and a fresh beginning. People often use this time to evaluate their habits and decide what things they should change in the upcoming year.
The absolute most common New Year’s resolution has to do with losing weight or getting in shape. The details may vary from person to person, but the overall goal is to get control of eating, exercising, and/or weight.
Another very common resolution is to quit smoking cigarettes. Most people realize how unhealthy smoking is but sometimes lack the willpower to put them down. However, considering goals in terms of resolutions often make them more achievable in the perception of the person trying to quit.
Along the same lines of quitting smoking, many people resolve to stop drinking alcohol for the New Year. While drinking may not be terribly destructive in moderation, excessive drinking causes serious problems. For this reason, it is a common quest to let go of this bad habit also.
Bad habits are commonly targeted as resolutions. Spending habits and debt accumulation therefore is frequently on the list of things that need to change. With credit card debt at an outrageous level and the fact that most people live paycheck to paycheck, this is an area that usually needs attention and sometimes gets it at the beginning of a new year.
Spending more time with friends and family is also one of the top resolutions for the New Year. It seems everyone’s schedules are so hectic; no one has time to stop and catch up with each other. During the holiday season, you often see family members and friends that may be neglected during the rest of the year. Enjoying time together reminds everyone how precious that time is and how you should make it a point to do it more often. This does not only apply to extended family; time with children and spouses is also important and taken for granted.
Simply enjoying life is something often forgotten about. We are so busy running to work and back home, to school and soccer practice that we never get around to playing in the floor with the kids or taking time to read the book we bought last week. Sometimes, resolutions are not about breaking bad habits, but creating better ones.
Similar to enjoying life, some people take this time to make major life changes like returning to school or changing careers. The idea of a new beginning sometimes sparks something inside to lead people to a new destiny. While quitting smoking or losing weight are big transitions, there are sometimes even more substantial goals put into place at this time of year.
About the Author: Salim Jordan is Editor and Publisher of
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